
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44747

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs D A Godfrey

Representation Summary:

It is a green belt area and I don't feel the extra houses are needed.
The village is already susceptible to flooding. Our street was flooded in 2007 resulting in a large number of residents having to be re-housed for a long period of time.
I use the footpaths regularly for walking my dog
Traffic is already a problem at the top of Windmill Hill during rush hour. this increased traffic would cause huge delays and disruption

Full text:

It is a green belt area and I don't feel the extra houses are needed.
The village is already susceptible to flooding. Our street was flooded in 2007 resulting in a large number of residents having to be re-housed for a long period of time.
I use the footpaths regularly for walking my dog
Traffic is already a problem at the top of Windmill Hill during rush hour. this increased traffic would cause huge delays and disruption