
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44768

Received: 19/03/2010

Respondent: John & Pat Collins

Representation Summary:

Cubbington does not have capacity to accommodate increase in traffic or cope with parking in shopping area.
Does not have infrastrucutre to cope with volume of traffic needing access to main roads. Small roundabout at top of Windmill Hill already has a high accident rate. An increase in traffic will increase this and create difficulty for pedestrians and children attending St Teresa's school.
Area already prone to flooding.
Cubbington will no longer be a village.
It would dwarf our green belt, reduce wildlife, and take away our access to public walks and the countryside

Full text:

Cubbington does not have the capacity to accommodate the increase in traffic or cope with parking in the shopping area.
It does not have the infrastrucutre to cope with the volume of traffic needing access to the main roads. The small roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill already has a high accident rate. An increase in traffic will increase this rate and will also create difficulty for pedestrians wishing to cross the roads and children attending St Teresa's school.
The area is already prone to flooding and the scale of housing proposed will increase this risk.
Cubbington will no longer be a village if this scale of housing goes ahead.
It would dwarf our green belt, reduce wildlife, and take away our access to public walks and the countryside