
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44740

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Graham & Brenda Messenger

Representation Summary:

We object to any development on the following grounds
The access onto the roads will cause much more traffic congestion which is already very heavy
The drainage into the village is also very worrying particularly with regard to the flooding the village has suffered over recent years.
There have been a number of very serious accidents at the top of Windmill Hill, this could become very much worse because of the volume of traffic
The wildlife conservation including skylarks could be lost
Cubbington is essentially a village and should not become joined to Lillington

Full text:

We object to any development on the following grounds
The access onto the roads will cause much more traffic congestion which is already very heavy
The drainage into the village is also very worrying particularly with regard to the flooding the village has suffered over recent years.
There have been a number of very serious accidents at the top of Windmill Hill, this could become very much worse because of the volume of traffic
The wildlife conservation including skylarks could be lost
Cubbington is essentially a village and should not become joined to Lillington