
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44734

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Keith & Barbara Stanford

Representation Summary:

Traffic problems would become a greater problem - cars belonging to houses on Offchurch Road are already encroaching in North Close and Brookfield Road, which really is not acceptable
Green belt land should stay as green belt -the impact on wildlife would be detrimental
We would no longer be a village.
Flooding problems are very bad with the horrendous floods in New Street over the past years - Offchurch Road, North Close would become a target if this land is built on
Pressure on local schools which are already at full capacity
Site access onto the Offchurch Road/Queen Street would create horrendous traffic problems

Full text:

Traffic problems would become a greater problem - cars belonging to houses on Offchurch Road are already encroaching in North Close and Brookfield Road, which really is not acceptable
Green belt land should stay as green belt -the impact on wildlife would be detrimental
We would no longer be a village and know village life as it is
Flooding problems are already very bad with the horrendous floods in New Street over the past years - Offchurch Road, North Close would become a target if this land is built on
Pressure on the local schools which are already at full capacity
Site access onto the Offchurch Road/Queen Street would creare horrendous traffic problems