
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44739

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Barbara Hall

Representation Summary:

Loss of irreplaceable green belt land. We must retain as much agricultural land as possible to feed us now and in future.
Inrastructure will be put under great strain e.g. doctors, schools and loss of village community.
The roads will become no more than a crawl when people are going to work or coming home.
If I had wanted to live in a town I would move into Leamington.
Brownfield sites should always be used before encroaching on green belt which is ultimately our food store

Full text:

I object to this proposal because of the loss of irreplaceable green belt land. Without agriculture food has to be imported at great cost in terms of both money and the environment. We must retain as much agricultural land as possible to feed us now and in the future. As well as this, the infrastructure of the area will be put under great strain e.g. doctors, schools as well as the loss of yet another village community. Great sprawling estates never have it and never get a community atmosphere.
The roads will become no more than a crawl when people are going to work or coming home. This situation was highlighted recently when roads had to be closed to replace the gas mains.
If I had wanted to live in a town I would move into Leamington and this proposal gives everyone less and less choice as to how they live.
I consider brownfield sites should always be used first before encroaching on green belt which is ultimately our food store