
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44723

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr B Sutton

Representation Summary:

After flooding in New Street, Knightly Close, Price Road in Lower Cubbington,
Additional pluvial flooding (run-off) would put these areas at greater risk.
Additional traffic using Welsh Road and Offchurch Road would be excessive, creating risk of accidents, injury or even death.
We in village value independence as a community and would like to preserve it. Community should decide what development is needed not some government directive.
Enough of our village has been lost to development. Small percentage was necessary, estate of this scale would be end of Cubbington village. Would be too convenient to say yes rather than recycle brown sites.

Full text:

After the relatively recent flooding in New Street, Knightly Close, Price Road in Lower Cubbington, I consider that the additional pluvial flooding (run-off) would put these areas at an even greater risk of flooding.
Also the additional traffic using Welsh Road and Offchurch Road would be excessive, creating risk of accidents, injury or even death.
We in the village value our independence as a community and would like to preserve it and the community should decide what, if any, development is needed not some government directive designed to meet targets.
I have lived in this village all my life nearly 55 years. Enough of our village has been lost to development over the years. I accept that a small percentage of this was necessary, but to build an estate of this scale would be the end of Cubbington as a village. I feel it would be too convenient to say yes to this proposal and appease profit motivated developers, rather than recycle appropriate brown sites.