
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44712

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Doug Sant

Representation Summary:

Flooding - prone to flooding due to run off. Drainage system cannot cope now.
Amenities - Affect on local amenities, schools, doctors etc We do not have a local doctor or pharmacy. Expanding schools will exacerbate traffic problems
Only large employer is Thwaites who has been cutting back workforce. Most jobs appear to be at Sydenham/Heathcote.
Cubbington and Lillington are two distinct communities. Joining them destroy village life. Development will ruin country environment for children.
What assurance that development will stop there?
Green belt currently protects against unrestricted sprawl of a large built up area. Would lose footpaths and wildlife.

Full text:

Flooding - As it is well known, the bottom of the village is prone to flooding. This is reportedly due mainly to run off. Under heavy rain conditions, it is common now for numerous drain covers in New Street and Price Road to lift. This has also happened at the bottom of Windmill Hill. If this site is mainly concrete and tarmac, how much more run off is there going to be? What are the implications for residents at the lower part of the village when all this extra water starts to build up? The drainage system cannot cope now.
Amenities - What steps will be taken to address the affect on local amenities, schools, doctors etc? We do not have a local doctor or pharmacy and to expand the current schools will only exacerbate traffic problems at these two sites. What about the sustainability of employment? The only large employer in the area is Thwaites. They have been cutting back on their workforce. Most of the jobs would appear to be at Sydenham or Heathcote, both of them at the other end of town.
Cubbington and Lillington are two distinct communities. Joining them up will destroy village life as many residents of Cubbington know it. I moved here 40 years ago to bring my children up in a country environment. My grandson is now being brought up similarly. This development will ruin that and for many more children in the future.
What assurance do we have that the development will stop there? Will it extend past and possibly include Thwaites? Will it eventually sprawl all the way to Offchurch?
This green belt currently protects against unrestricted sprawl of a large built up area and contains many well used footpaths and a wide variety of wildlife. These are important to us, the residents of Cubbington. They will be gone forever