
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44730

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Snowden & W M Whitelock

Representation Summary:

No support for this housing development whatsoever.
A green belt is a protected area of open countryside around a town, so why build on it. There would be no Leamington, Lillington and Cubbington, but just urban sprawl of Leamington spreading towards Coventry. If it were to happen where would all the surface water drain to in winter? Cubbington is prone to flooding in New Street and Offchurch Road by Thwaites. This vast estate would make matters worse. Cleaning the roadside ditches and leaving a wall of dredged soil - as is the case - between the road and the ditches will not be enough to solve the problem but it will keep the water on the road until such time when the soil is washed back into the ditches then we are back to square one!
More problems with traffic and road congestion, Leicester Street Hill, Parklands Avenue, Crown Way and Windmill Hill could not cope with the extra traffic. People would use the 'back route' (rat run) from Leamington through Offchurch village, the blind left hand turn by The Stag and the narrow single lane bridge, would be a nightmare for villagers - not to mention builders lorries and concrete mixer lorries trying to negotiate the canal bridge as well. Refurbish and use all the empty properties and put a tight restriction on immigration and we wouldn't need to build on green belt land.

Full text:

No support for this housing development whatsoever.
A green belt is a protected area of open countryside around a town, so why build on it. There would be no Leamington, Lillington and Cubbington, but just urban sprawl of Leamington spreading towards Coventry. If it were to happen where would all the surface water drain to in winter? Cubbington is prone to flooding in New Street and Offchurch Road by Thwaites. This vast estate would make matters worse. Cleaning the roadside ditches and leaving a wall of dredged soil - as is the case - between the road and the ditches will not be enough to solve the problem but it will keep the water on the road until such time when the soil is washed back into the ditches then we are back to square one!
More problems with traffic and road congestion, Leicester Street Hill, Parklands Avenue, Crown Way and Windmill Hill could not cope with the extra traffic. People would use the 'back route' (rat run) from Leamington through Offchurch village, the blind left hand turn by The Stag and the narrow single lane bridge, would be a nightmare for villagers - not to mention builders lorries and concrete mixer lorries trying to negotiate the canal bridge as well. Refurbish and use all the empty properties and put a tight restriction on immigration and we wouldn't need to build on green belt land.