
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44735

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Peter Bowell

Representation Summary:

My primary objection is about the impact on the environment and local wildlife i.e. badgers and owls which use the land for hunting
Environmentally the road infrastructure could not possibly cope with such a large increase in traffic
The clay subsoil leads to flooding problems which would increase with any large development
There would be no more Lillington or Cubbington just a sprawling mass which would further reduce any feeling of community which exists within the defined area

Full text:

My primary objection is about the impact on the environment and local wildlife i.e. badgers and owls which use the land for hunting
Environmentally the road infrastructure could not possibly cope with such a large increase in traffic
The clay subsoil leads to flooding problems which would increase with any large development
There would be no more Lillington or Cubbington just a sprawling mass which would further reduce any feeling of community which exists within the defined area