
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44714

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Eric John Gaskin

Representation Summary:

Serious potential for flooding already exists in parts of Cubbington. Development of this type will increase this problem even further. Cubbington is a village in its own right with over a thousand years of history. It has its own distinct community and must not be allowed to be absorbed by urban sprawl (also increase in traffic).

Full text:

Serious potential for flooding already exists in parts of Cubbington. Development of this type will increase this problem even further. Cubbington is a village in its own right with over a thousand years of history. It has its own distinct community and must not be allowed to be absorbed by urban sprawl (also increase in traffic). Suggested reading for all planners and developers: Sir John Betjamin's poem 'inexpensive progress'.