
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44718

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Irene Wilkin

Representation Summary:

Heavy clay soil causing flooding for the house in Lower Cubbington
Rugby Road and Welsh Road not suitable for all the extra traffic the new estate would bring
Could the local schools accept all of the extra children it would bring?
Would like Cubbington to remain a village not a suburb of Leamington Spa
Accidents would increase at the Windmill Hill junction
Loss of public footpaths over the lovely countryside

Full text:

Heavy clay soil causing flooding for the house in Lower Cubbington
Rugby Road and Welsh Road not suitable for all the extra traffic the new estate would bring
Could the local schools accept all of the extra children it would bring?
Would like Cubbington to remain a village not a suburb of Leamington Spa
Accidents would increase at the Windmill Hill junction
Loss of public footpaths over the lovely countryside