
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44719

Received: 10/05/2010

Respondent: Patricia Twizell

Representation Summary:

Cubbington village shoud remain as village. Building on green belt between Cubbington and Lillington would change this forever. Need to keep little villages - they are disappearing fast. Effect on wildlife would be devastating. Not to mention losing well used footpaths to big roads and more traffic causing congestion.
Our schools will suffer due to overload of children. Doctors surgery in the area will become pressurised due to excess patients.
Will be thousands more people travelling to and from the village making it more like a busy town or estate. Would be devastated to lose our little village

Full text:

Cubbington village shoud remain as a village, building on the green belt between Cubbington and Lillington would change this forever. We need to keep our little villages - they are disappearing fast. The effect on the wildlife in that area would be devastating. Not to mention losing our little well used footpaths to big roads and more traffic causing more congestion on our busy roads during rush hour.
Our schools will suffer due to overload of children. Doctors surgery in the area will become pressurised due to excess patients. It will become impossible to get appointments there.
there will be thousands more people travelling to and from the village making it more like a busy town or estate. Cubbington village needs to remain Cubbington village. Our family has lived here for over 45 yrs, we would be devastated to lose our little village