
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44729

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs S Copeland

Representation Summary:

Recognise need for housing, but Cubbington site unsuitable. Soil is clay and its' inpenetrable properties are prone to cause flooding. Area has clay sub layer. Heavy rainfall sends surface water running down fields into road drains. Converge in village and system unable to cope with volume in short time.
More drainage pipes would cause more stress in rainfall periods and make flooding more common.
Distress to residents in village is not worth value of new housing. Main concern is for village people. Suggest choose another site more suitable for new housing

Full text:

Although I recognise the need for more housing, I do not think that the Cubbington site that has been proposed is suitable. My main objection is that the soil is clay and its' inpenetrable properties are prone to cause flooding which we have already experienced in Cubbington village. The whole area has this clay sub layer and heavy rainfall sends surface water running down the fields into the road drains. They converge in the village and the system is unable to cope with the large volume in the short time it occurs. As evidenced with the heavy flooding experienced in the lowest roads in Cubbington a few years ago.
To add more drainage pipes to the existing system would cause more stress in rainfall periods and make flooding a much more common occurance.
The terrible distress caused to residents in the village when their homes were flooded is not worth the value of new housing to people who need it. Our main concern is for the village people and to protect them form flooding so we have to suggest you choose another site more suitable for a new housing development