
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44711

Received: 07/05/2010

Respondent: Mrs Aidrie J Felix

Representation Summary:

Proposed site access from Offchurch Road is ridiculous as is Parklands Avenue. Junction at top of Windmill Hill is already a problem; more cars just not acceptable. Cubbington will become car park.
Problems with flooding. Drainage system would require upgrading.
How will schools cope? What about doctors surgeries? Will be over crowding.
Cubbington residents do not want to be joined to Leamington. Village will be destroyed.
What about wildlife and environment, extra electricity/gas being used; extra cars on roads? Loss of public footpaths.
Must remain green belt. Working farms should be retained.

Full text:

No-one has thought about this and the problems others will experience should this site be developed
The proposed site access from Offchurch Road is ridiculous as is the idea of an entrance from Parklands Avenue. These access points will put even more traffic onto Offchurch Road, Windmill Hill, Rugby Road. The junction at the top of Windmill Hill is already a problem reference accidents; to have more cars approach the junction on a daily basis is just not acceptable. The junction would not be able to cope effectively. The roundbabout does not help with the accidents still happening. Cubbington will become one big car park.
The problems with flooding would be enhanced and even more homes would be flooded. The drainage system etc. would require a great deal of upgrading should this site be used.
How will our local schools cope? What will happen to doctors surgeries? There will be far too many people, over crowding.
Cubbington residents do not want to be joined to Leamington Spa. Our village will be destroyed.
What about all the wildlife that has made this their home, also what about the environment as a whole with all the extra homes, the extra electricity/gas being used; the extra cars on roads to name just a few? Local people will lose public footpaths should the site be used.
This site must not be passed as a site for dwellings. It must remain as part of the green belt and not be built on. Working farms are very few. Should we not be encouraging our local farmers to continue their good work for the next generation.
Farming is an art and how will children learn if you continue to destroy a working farm?