
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44843

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs J Dillam

Representation Summary:

The various roads off Parklands Avenue giving access to this project will become a severe traffic problem, affecting hundreds of people and their quality of life - plus the local flooding problems which exist.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, there would be the destruction of the two distinct communities.

While we appreciate the necessity of building new houses, surely other sites in would be more suitable.

Couple all this with the dreadful proposed Fast Rail System, we say LEAVE THIS STRECTH OF GREEN BELT ALONE!

We are extremely concerned about more urban sprawl to suit money making buy councils and developers.

Full text:

Having lived in the area for the past 36 years, we have enjoyed a happy, peaceful working (and now retired) life. This is the raison d'ĂȘtre of WHY we chose to live here. Naturally over the years we have seen and accepted increases in traffic etc but to build an estate of thousands of houses on the proposed Lillington/ Cubbington suggested development area beggars belief.

The various roads off Parklands Avenue giving access to this project will become a severe traffic problem, affecting hundreds of people and their quality of life - plus the problems of the Parklands Avenue/ Cubbington Road/ Telford Avenue junction and the local flooding problems which exist.

But MOST IMPORTANTLY, there would be the destruction of the two communities of Cubbington and Lillington - pleasant delightful village and suburban areas - each with a history and records of Greenbelt space.

While we appreciate the necessity of building new houses, surely, for many reasons, other sites in the Leamington/ Warwick/ Coventry area would be more suitable and appropriate to suit tick-box targets set by a distressed government.

Couple all this with the dreadful proposed Fast Rail System, which this government proposes to inflict on this area of Warwickshire (to save half an hour on a train journey at the cost of billions) and we say LEAVE THIS STRECTH OF GREEN BELT ALONE!

We are not NIMBYS but we do value the quality of life we enjoy - after many years of hard work, and now retirement, and which all of us in these communities have earned and deserve!

We are extremely concerned about more urban sprawl to suit money making buy councils and developers.