
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44841

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Jacqueline Bird

Representation Summary:

The development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington is potentially massive and would have a very real detrimental effect on Cubbington and Lillington. I strongly object to any development on this green belt land which would adversely affect local amenities, lead to traffic congestion and exacerbate the problems we have with flooding in Cubbington Village.

Full text:

The development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington is potentially massive and would have a very real detrimental effect on Cubbington and Lillington. I strongly object to any development on this green belt land which would adversely affect local amenities, lead to traffic congestion and exacerbate the problems we have with flooding in Cubbington Village. Please would you take the following points into consideration when arriving at a decision:

1: The loss of greenbelt land would have a severe impact on wildlife, their habitat lost forever. The loss of green fields is detrimental to wildlife, nature and local residents alike and I feel extremely strongly that green belt must be protected and that Cubbington remains a village.

2: The building of houses on such a large scale will inevitably lead to extra pressure on local amenities, schools, doctors etc.

3: The infrastructure is such that is would not be able to cope with the large volume of extra traffic generated by this enormous development. Offchurch Road, Welsh Road, Windmill Hill, Rugby Road and Kenilworth Road are already extremely busy. There are no pedestrian crossings on these roads and we have already had one fatal road accident by the shops in Rugby Road.

4: The mini roundabout at the top of windmill hill at its junction with Kenilworth Road and Rugby Road has been the scene of numerous road accidents and countless near misses. With a school (Our Lady and St Teresa's Primary School) near this mini roundabout, and the extra traffic from a huge development, the local roads will become dangerous, congested and have air quality more polluted.

5: Following the devastating floods in Cubbington Village in 2007, the plans put in place to alleviate the flooding problem remain inadequate. Building on these fields will inevitably worsen the situation resulting in Cubbington Village being even more prone to flooding on far worse a scale than that we have already experienced.