
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44840

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Amanda Parr

Representation Summary:

Traffic congestion in the general area is already bad enough, and there have been numerous accidents. Recent diversions due to gas works highlighted what driving in this area is like with additional traffic.

I object to the destruction of greenbelt land and the resident wildlife as this will destroy the character and appeal of the area. An area of important recreational land, the public footpaths, will be lost.

Much of the industry in Leamington is to the South of the town so the cross town congestion will be terrible.

Full text:

I object to the development of Glebe Farm for the following reasons:

Traffic congestion on the Rugby road and the area in general is already bad enough. The Windmill Hill/ Rugby Road island has seen numerous accidents. Recent diversions due to gas works highlighted what driving in this area is like when lots of traffic is coming along Kenilworth Road from the A46.

I also object to the destruction of greenbelt land and the resident wildlife as this will destroy the character and appeal of the area. In turn house prices will also be affected. The footpaths that cross this area are well uses by local residents and in destroying them, an area of important recreational land will be lost.

Given that much of the industry in Leamington is to the South of the town it would appear ridiculous to build new homes at the other end of town. The cross town congestion will be terrible and is unnecessary when there are available next to existing housing estates.