
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44852

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Marion & Dennis Briggs

Representation Summary:

The development would totally dwarf our ancient village making us just part of unrestricted sprawl.

There has been no provision for adequate surface water drainage since the floods of July 2007 and development t on heavy clay subsoil would only make matters worse.

Our infrastructure is totally inadequate to take such increases with rush hour traffic already very heavy. Could our local doctors cope and there would certainly be a lack of places in our schools.

The proposed site is Greenbelt land so we have to consider the environmental impact to wildlife and the loss public rights of way.

Full text:

We object to the proposed development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington because such a large building programme would totally dwarf our ancient village which was first mentioned in the Doomsday Book, making us just part of the unrestricted sprawl of the built up area of Leamington Spa. We want to keep our village identity not become part of the town.

There has been no provision for adequate surface water drainage since the floods of July 2007 therefore such a large number of new houses being built on heavy clay subsoil would only make matters worse for our low lying areas during increased rainfall.

Our infrastructure is totally inadequate to take such increases with rush hour traffic already very heavy. Could our local doctors cope with so many new residents wanting to be placed on their lists and there would certainly be a lack of places in our schools meaning local children possible having to be driven to schools further afield instead of walking, increasing traffic.

Also let us not forget that the proposed site is Greenbelt land so we have to consider the environmental impact to wildlife on these old fields and the loss of the well used footpaths and public rights of way.