
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44838

Received: 06/04/2010

Respondent: Jane & David Print

Representation Summary:

This is the only green belt land that separates the ancient village of Cubbington from Leamington.

This development would mean putting thousands of extra cars onto roads which cannot take a high volume of traffic, where Parklands Avenue joins Cubbington Road it is extremely busy and dangerous now.

The fields are prone to flooding and development would exacerbate this.

Finally, such a large scale development would significantly increase cross town traffic and congestion as all major food retailers and employment opportunities are south of the river accessed by only four river crossings.

Full text:

We are writing to you to protest strongly against the proposed development at Glebe Farm. This is the only green belt land that separates the ancient village of Cubbington from the main town of Leamington, which is important to people, wildlife & our environment.

The impact of up to 2,000 houses on this piece of land would be catastrophic. The proposed entries onto this development would mean putting thousands of extra cars onto estate roads which are not built to take a high volume of traffic, where Parklands Avenue joins Cubbington Road it is extremely busy and dangerous now and the impact of increased traffic would only add to a serious problem.

The fields are prone to flooding which would increase the risk of further flooding in Cubbington which already has experience serious flood. The area has 3 schools and at term time is very hazardous on the roads already.

Finally, such a large scale development would significantly increase cross town traffic and congestion as all major food retailers and employment opportunities are south of the river accessed by only four river crossings.