
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44859

Received: 29/03/2010

Respondent: Simon Vallis

Representation Summary:

This would cause significant increase to traffic, serious flooding problems and also
is a Green Belt,which is full of wildlife and still farmed continuously.The countryside should be retained,that divides Lillington and Cubbington. The very undulating land would be unsuitable for building on as it floods. There's been recent serious flooding in Cubbington and properties in of Parklands Avenue. Buliding 2000 homes in this area would greatly increase further risk of serious flooding. As far as the increase in traffic is no direct access from the side up to main road. Roads in Lilington and Cubbington aren't suitable for increaseing traffic.

Full text:

I strongly object to any development of the above site of the grounds of significant increase to traffic, serious flooding problems and also this is Green Belt land which is full of wildlife and is still farmed continuously. I think the countryside should be retained that divides Lillington and Cubbington. I would also suggest the very undulating land would be unsuitable for building on as it frequently floods. There has also been recent serious flooding in Cubbington and properties in of Parklands Avenue. Buliding 2000 homes in this area would greatly increase further the risk of serious flooding. As far as the increase in traffic is no direct access from the side up tp the main road. Most of the roads in Lilington and Cubbington are not suitable for a heavy increase in traffic.