
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44851

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs D Wickes

Representation Summary:

This area is green belt and always has been in the past. It has been turned down for building on and we are very upset and concerned that you have put forward for this to be built on now.

We live next to the field and we have lots of wildlife.

We would be getting a lot of cars and lorries which the roads in this area could not take. There are a lot of crashes. The flooding in this area is very bad and with putting extra houses will once again increase.

Full text:

This area is green belt and always has been in the past. It has been turned down for building on and we are very upset and concerned that you have put forward for this to be built on now.

We live next to the field and we have lots of wildlife such as foxes, badgers, pheasants, moles, all types of birds, we even get bats flying round our windows at night.

We would be getting a lot of cars and lorries which the roads in this area could not take. There are always crashed at Comptons Garage, Telford Avenue and Crown Way, which will increase. The flooding in this area is very bad and with putting extra houses will once again increase. We also have a lot of people taking dogs for walks..