
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44839

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs D Goodman

Representation Summary:

We believe this green space must be protected to safe guard the countryside from encroachment and maintain the distinct communities of Lillington and the village of Cubbington.

The roads of are not suitable to carry the increase of traffic which would be generated from development.

Junctions are already overloaded at peak times causing many accidents.

The clay sub soil is very prone to flooding already experienced in Cubbington village.

Increased congestion across town.

We talk of the environment constantly at local, national, and international level. Need to protect the natural habitat of wildlife living in this beautiful countryside for future generations.

Full text:

We strongly oppose the Glebe Farm Cubbington Site being used for housing development. We believe the green space between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to safe guard the countryside from encroachment and maintain the distinct communities of Lillington and the village of Cubbington. The existing greenbelt should be retained as there must be other non designated green belt sites which could be used for development within the district.

If the site is to be accessed via various closes off Parklands Avenue and the Crest and Mason Avenues; the roads of decades ago are not suitable to carry the immense increase of traffic which would be generated from such a large development.

The Telford Avenue/ Parklands Avenue & Cubbington Road junction is already overloaded at peak times causing many accidents trying to exit the avenues and crossing Cubbington Road.

The clay sub soil is very prone to causing flooding already experiences with surface water running from the read of Cubbington Road to properties in Oakridge Road, Parklands Avenue and Cubbington village.

Such a large development would certainly increase congestion across the town as all major employment opportunities are south of the river.

We talk of the environment constantly at local, national, and international level. What will the level of pollution be? Will anything be taken into consideration to protect the natural habitat of wildlife living in this beautiful countryside, denying all future generations the joy of living in this environment? Are they to be condemned into living in this concrete jungle?