
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44850

Received: 01/04/2010

Respondent: Erik Ivens

Representation Summary:

The size and structure of the village, its roads and amenities are not sufficient built for such an outrageous notion!

Cubbington has its own identity. The natural beauty of Warwickshire is in danger of being lost forever if developers get the go ahead to build on Glebe Farm.

Building on Glebe Farm is likely to exacerbate the flooding problem. Traffic in this confined area will become a major problem if this development goes ahead. Wildlife will suffer and the new massive influx of people will upset the natural harmony of the local surrounding wildlife and countryside.

Full text:

I strongly object to the proposed housing development in Cubbington. The size and structure of the village, its roads and amenities clearly are not sufficiently built for such an outrageous notion!

Cubbington has its own identity and is a village in its own right - just as Leamington is a charming and individual town in its own right. The natural beauty of Warwickshire is in danger of being lost forever if developers get the go ahead to build on Glebe Farm.

Flooding is evidently a big problem in Cubbington. Building on Glebe Farm is likely to exacerbate this problem. Traffic in this confined area will become a major problem if this development goes ahead. Wildlife will suffer at the hands of these developers and the new massive influx of people will upset the natural harmony of the local surrounding wildlife and countryside.