
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44857

Received: 30/03/2010

Respondent: Mr R C Goodey

Representation Summary:

Concerned about traffic. Already have considerable problems, at Telford school.
Junction of Telford Avenue, Parklands and Cubbington Road alreadydangerous and difficult to negotiate with Tesco store at Crown Way. Additional housing will put strain on area. New development will not include facilities.
Green belt. What happened to the promise to keep these. Will there be recreational spaces or will people have to use cars.
Underlying clay will cause more flooding to area which already has problems. Would it not be better to find sites nearer to amenities.
Will these houses be suitable for the average person to buy or will they be left empty.

Full text:

As a resident of Telford Avenue, I am very concerned about traffic. We already have considerable traffic problems, especially at times when parents are delivering and collecting children from Telford school.
The junction of Telford Avenue, Parklands and Cubbington Road is already very dangerous with the arrival of a Tesco store, albeit a small one, at Crown Way, the area will also be difficult to negotiate. The store is bound to attract shoppers who would not normally use Crown Way, plus additional housing is going to put a strain on the area. I understood that the new development will not include any facilities - thus shops, library and the clinic will be overlooked.
The site involved is at the moment part of a green belt area. What happened to the promise to keep these much needed breathing spaces. Will there be any recreational spaces or will people have to use their cars yet again.
The underlying clay will ineveitably cause more flooding to an area which already has problems. With lack of facilities and work opportunties in the area, would it not be better to find sites nearer to these necessary requirements.
Will these houses be suitable for the average person to buy or will they be left empty as so many over priced properties are around the town.