
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44899

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs A Bolt

Representation Summary:

1: Traffic/ Safety
The junction off Cubbington Road, Telford Avenue and Parklands Avenue is already a bottleneck at certain times of the day. There have been a number of accidents on this junction. On top of this, other junctions off Cubbington Road create traffic problems now.
The roads from Parklands Avenue to the site are of the 50s/70s which are not very wide with a number of cars parked on the road causing access issues.

2: Flooding
Cubbington has a history of serious flooding. My garden has been flooded, but with this field concreted over my house is seriously at risk!

Full text:

1: Traffic/ Safety
The junction off Cubbington Road, Telford Avenue and Parklands Avenue is already a bottleneck at certain times of the day, and with a school in Telford Avenue, the pedestrian crossing on Cubbington Road is very busy twice a day. This gives me concerns of the traffic flow as well as safety as there have been a number of accidents on this junction already mainly damage only but to my knowledge at least two serious. On top of this, both of the other junctions off Cubbington Road - Crown Way and Windmill Hill create traffic problems now. So these will only get worse.
The road infrastructure from Parklands Avenue to the site are estate roads of the 50s - 70s which are not very wide and as the houses on the south side of Oakridge Road have very small drives (will only accommodate 1 car), some cars are parked on the road which means you have to zig-zag to reach Leighton Close.

2: Flooding
As the soil on this proposed site is clay there must be a real danger of more serious flooding than we have at present. Cubbington has already a history of serious flooding and we in Lillington to a lesser extent. Some houses in Parkland Avenue opposite Oakridge Road have been flooded on a number of occasions with runoff water from the field at the top of Oakridge Road. Severn Trent Water have now fitted flood gates to these houses.
I live on the east side of Leighton Close and at times my garden has been flooded, but thankfully it has never reached the house, but with this field concreted over I am worried that my house is seriously at risk!