
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44920

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Lisa Aspin

Representation Summary:

- I live in Cubbington for the village location
- There is going to be a huge string on local amenities.
- Extra traffic which will lead to an increase in pollution, congestion, road traffic accidents
- The noise and disruption of 2000-3000 homes being built
- With the extra light pollution we will be unable to see the stars at night.
- The wildlife should be protected.
- The impact of the additional concrete will exacerbate the flooding issues.
- Cubbington is a community and if this development goes ahead this will be lost.

Full text:

- I live in Cubbington for the village location and pay a premium in council tax. So is this going to be reduced if this goes ahead?
- Why are developments being made on greenbelt land when there is already adequate provision on Brownfield sites to meet the RSS strategy of the council?
- There is going to be a huge string on local amenities, school places, doctors and Warwick hospital
- With the extra homes it will mean extra traffic, which has got to impact everyone. Increase pollution, local congestion, road traffic accidents and the extra cars need to be parked somewhere - quality of roads will be reduced.
- The noise and disruption of 2000-3000 homes being built - construction traffic, pollution, environmental impact.
- With the extra light pollution we will be unable to see the stars at night.
- The wildlife, such as newts and badgers, live on the proposed land. They should be protected. I want my children to grow up in a world where wildlife and public footpaths are important.
- The impact of the additional concreted will have a severe knock on effect on the flooding issues experienced in the village.
- Where will it stop when greenbelt land is being built on. Will there be extra pressure to build on the Thwaites factory and surrounding area sites - are big industrial estates going to pop up to support jobs for the extra households?
- Communities are something that should be maintained. Make us one big estate and you lose that. Won't part of the problem we have with crime, vandalism, youths are because people don't feel part of a community - Cubbington is a community and if this development goes ahead this will be lost.