
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44913

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Anita Wells

Representation Summary:

There are at least 6 junctions that AT PRESENT are congested and dangerous at peak times.

Greenbelt land, public footpaths, and wildlife habitats destroyed. Bats frequent visitors to Rugby Road area in the summer - will they disappear?

The nature of this site already caused flooding issues. Even if the water problem could be solved technologically it would add enormous costs to developing the site. BUILD ON BROWNFIELD SITES WHERE POSSIBLE.

Full text:

Listed below are AT PRESENT congested junctions at peak times:
- Windmill Hill (Dangerous already - accidents and near misses are frequent. Whole junction would need developing)
- Offchurch bridge though the village past the Stag leading to the Fosse Way
- Junctions at Fosse (already an accident black spot)
- Parklands Avenue/ Telford Avenue Junction
- Crown Way junction (this would worsen if Glebe Farm residents used it to avoid Parklands)
- Campion Hill/ Leicester Street

Greenbelt land destroyed. Footpaths of benefit to Lillington, Cubbington, Offchurch residents destroyed. Wildlife habitats destroyed - RSPB already says many habitats are destroyed. Bats frequent visitors to Rugby Road area in the summer - will they disappear?

Flooding: further damage to water table. Hilly nature of this site already very wet during the winter (apart from the village flooding problems). Even if the water problem could be solved techonoligicaly it would add enormous costs to developing the site. BUILD ON BROWNFIELD SITES WHERE POSSIBLE> Fords site should have all housing - they would have the amenities of parkland (Victoria Pump Rooms) and shops at Shires Retail all within walking distance.

Why should Warwick District have a target of 10,800 new homes?

What is Coventry's target?

Ryton Plant could cover both targets maybe?