
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44927

Received: 07/04/2010

Respondent: T J Loakes

Representation Summary:

If the proposed new build is say 5000 homes that could mean upwards of 7500 extra vehicles on local roads which would effectively swamp the area with traffic.

A large amount of new house would exacerbate the flooding problem due to the run off of surface water.

Is the infrastructure there to support the volume of people with schools and doctors together with basic requirement water! For many years Cubbington has suffered from low water pressure and would the essential services cope?

Local people would also be denied the benefits of walking across the fields.

Full text:

A very large increase in road traffic along already congested roads. If the proposed new build is say 5000 homes that could mean upwards of 7500 extra vehicles on local roads which would effectively swamp the area with traffic. Have the council considered the effect of all the extra vehicles on parking in Leamington, already congested at peak times. The council would have t o build new car parks but where?

There has been considerable problems with flooding in Cubbington village and it appears that it is an ongoing problem because of the local soil conditions. A large amount of new house would exacerbate the problem due to the run off of surface water.

As with all new large proposals for house construction is the infrastructure there to support the volume of people with schools and doctors together with basic requirement water! For many years the residents of the Cubbington area suffered from low water pressure and with a proposal for X000 new homes would the essential services cope?

Local people would also be denied the pleasure and health benefits of walking across the fields which they have been doing for many years.

I think the council should think very carefully about the use of brown field sites and building small groups of houses together with the use of empty and derelict buildings. In Coventry a few years ago there were reputedly thousands of empty houses. At a recent meeting in Cubbington the council representative admitted that they did not know how many empty houses there were that could be brought back into use and avoid the need to always build new houses. Clearly this should be a priority!