
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44911

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Hilary Dawber

Representation Summary:

1. Cubbington is prone to flooding. Due to the heavy clay soil and ridge line. Development would only exacerbate this.
2. There will be a massive increase of traffic. This would create heavy congestion at rush hours into and out of Leamington. The roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill is already quite dangerous.
3. Diminution of greenbelt land - loss of wildlife habitat and footpaths.
4. Village life would be eroded and Cubbington would become part of yet more urban sprawl.
5. There would be pressure on schools.
6. Insufficient work locally leading to more car journeys.

Full text:

1. Cubbington village and Tanners Farm are prone to flooding. On 14 June 2007, homes in the village were flooded and there was extensive damage at Tanners Farm caused by run-off from the heavy clay soil. The ridge line in the village is a watershed. The concreting and tarmacing of the land in question would only serve to exacerbate this serious problem.
2. There will be a massive increase of traffic onto Offchurch Road and Parklands Avenue. There is regular flooding by the small, ancient bridge in Offchurch and the road has to be closed. Even in dry weather Offchurch is too small a village to cope with this increase in traffic. There could be an extra 4000 cars used by the householders. This would create heavy congestion at rush hours into and out of Leamington. The roundabout at the top of Windmill Hill is already quite dangerous and it would become more so.
3. If this development were to go ahead it would be yet another diminution of greenbelt land which would mean loss of wildlife habitat (Badgers, hares, birds, great crested newts) and footpaths for future generations.
4. People live in Cubbington to enjoy village life. This would be eroded and Cubbington would become part of yet more urban sprawl.
5. There would be intolerable pressure on local schools.
6. There will be insufficient work locally for the increase in population, leading to more car journeys.
Cannot social housing be accommodated in small areas of available land in the region rather than in single, large developments which cause such serious problems to the environment and infrastructure.