
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44898

Received: 26/04/2010

Respondent: Mr D C Austin

Representation Summary:

In the height if the recent severe Cubbington floods and the perennial flood problems around Offchurch Bridge and general surrounding area, the proposed site must be a flood hazard especially of development. The infrastructure and access problems would be worsened. Not to mention destroying the green belt area and the awful fusing of the separate and unique individual villages of Lillington and Cubbington.

Full text:

In the height if the recent severe Cubbington floods and the perennial flood problems around Offchurch Bridge and general surrounding area, the proposed site must be a flood hazard especially of development. The infrastructure and access problems would be worsened. Not to mention destroying the green belt area and the awful fusing of the separate and unique individual villages of Lillington and Cubbington.