
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44903

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Bryan Alderson

Representation Summary:

-boost moribound social institutions

-confident that planning conditions won't exclude most groups

-It would also be possible for the council to ask the County Council for extra resources to be used for the benefit of the four primary schools in the area.

-future plans of traffic control is needed anyway

-The suggested problem is merely alarmist. No doubt=t it exists. The one opportunity to provide a permanent resolution of the problem could be a new development of the problem could be a new development and its associated drainage.

Full text:

Such a development would help both communities by giving a fillip to the local economy and a boost to moribund social institutions.
I am confident that it is not beyond the expertise of the council and its local planning department to set down planning conditions that would overcome most, if not all, of the negative objections of the orchestrated NIMBY groups, e.g. as condition of granting permission the development would have to include a new, one level, Health Centre, with capacity for an extra doctor(s), to replace the existing, dual level, Cubbington Road Surgery.
It would also be possible for the council to ask the County Council for extra resources to be used for the benefit of the four primary schools in the area.
It cannot be too long before the Rugby Rd, Kenilworth Rd, Windmill Hill junction will require traffic lights anyway, if only to protect the safety of the majority of road users who are able to negotiate the mini-island properly against those who choose to ignore all the warning signs on the approaches.
The suggested problem is merely alarmist. No doubt=t it exists. The one opportunity to provide a permanent resolution of the problem could be a new development of the problem could be a new development and its associated drainage.