
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44905

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Caroline Marrow

Representation Summary:

1: This is green belt land
2: The area separates Lillington from Cubbington- two separate communities.
3: New residents will need access to employment, shops and schools most of which are not available locally.
4: The local road infrastructure is of rural nature and would require up-grading.
5: There has been serious flooding in Cubbington Village. The roads were designed for quiet cul-de-sacs not through traffic.
6: Will create further problems with flooding.
7: Regarding the WDC Landscape Character Assessment (February 2009), the existing 'harsh and prominent urban edge of Lillington' would be more satisfactorily enhanced by the demolition of the tower blocks.

Full text:

The area specified should not be built on for the following reasons:
1: This is green belt land not a brownfield site.
2: The area outlined in the proposal separates Lillington from Cubbington which are two separate communities. Development would also affect residents of Offchurch village.
3: The would-be residents will need access to employment, shops and schools most of which are not available locally. This would encourage commuting to Coventry, Warwick and South Leamington.
4: The local road infrastructure is of rural nature and would require up-grading, this would be detrimental to the area. At existing traffic levels there are already frequent accidents on the mini roundabout at the junction of Windmill Hill, Kenilworth Road and Rugby Road.
5: There has been serious flooding in Cubbington Village and the main road from Cubbington to Offchurch floods regularly at Offchurch and is impassable at these times. The alternative access points would increase traffic in Lillington where the road network was designed for quiet cul-de-sacs not through traffic.
6: Building on the Glebe Farm land will create further problems with flooding and the management of surface water run off
7: Regarding the WDC Landscape Character Assessment (February 2009), the existing 'harsh and prominent urban edge of Lillington' would be more satisfactorily enhanced by the demolition of the tower blocks.