
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44916

Received: 26/03/2010

Respondent: Gordon Wells

Representation Summary:

1. It will cause increased traffic congestion at a number of points e
2. It will increase the risk of flooding in Cubbington village, where there is already a severe flooding problem, which the council has not been able to solve.
3. Wildlife. I mention only the bats which are supposed to be protected. At present they flourish, but they would be endangered.
4. There must be other proposed sites (and some that have not been proposed, as far as I know e.g. the Ford's Foundry that would be more suitable and would be welcomed by residents.)

Full text:

1. It will cause increased traffic congestion at a number of point e.g. the mini-roundabout at the junction of Windmill Hill and Rugby Road, where there have been frequent accidents and near accidents already.
2. It will increase the risk of flooding in Cubbington village, where there is already a severe flooding problem, which the council has not been able to solve.
3. Wildlife. I mention only the bats which are supposed to be protected. At present they flourish, but they would be endangered.
4. There must be other proposed sites (and some that have not been proposed, as far as I know e.g. the Ford's Foundry that would be more suitable and would be welcomed by residents.)