Do you support or object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington?

Showing comments and forms 361 to 390 of 903


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44451

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Miss Elizabeth Thompson

Representation Summary:


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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44458

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs E F Trafford

Representation Summary:

Good sized plot for development.

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With the opening of the new rail link and station this would be appropriate.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44465

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mr Clive Narrainen

Representation Summary:

Consistent with National Policy.

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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44470

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: N J Halfpenny

Representation Summary:

This development would increase the alrady high traffic thru' the village. It is bad enough trying to get out of the drive in the mornings.
Object to the use of valuable farm land for building and the loss of wildlife habitat.
A large scale settlement would cause a great deal of pressure on local schools and doctor. And will it stop at the proposed area. How long will it be before it goes all the way down to the Welsh Road

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This development would increase the alrady high traffic thru' the village. It is bad enough trying to get out of the drive in the mornings.
Object to the use of valuable farm land for building and the loss of wildlife habitat.
A large scale settlement would cause a great deal of pressure on local schools and doctor. And will it stop at the proposed area. How long will it be before it goes all the way down to the Welsh Road


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44471

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Ian Pethick

Representation Summary:

Green belt land must be protected
Flood problems
Too much traffic for the roads
Pedestrian risk with increased traffic
Impact negatively on community
Pressure on local schools
Bad traffic jams at rush hour
Small roundabout cannot cope with number of cars

Full text:

Green belt land must be protected
Flood problems
Too much traffic for the roads
Pedestrian risk with increased traffic
Impact negatively on community
Pressure on local schools
Bad traffic jams at rush hour
Small roundabout cannot cope with number of cars


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44472

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Miss Rachel Eastaff

Representation Summary:



Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44473

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Robert Golder

Representation Summary:

Proposed site access could be from Offchurch Road between Hill Farm and public footpath entrance through the cul-de-sacs off Parklands Avenue. Offchurch Road, Rugby Road, Windmill Hill will be affected - not suitable to support increase in traffic
Green belt must be protected to prevent the sprawl
Two distinct communities - Lillington and Cubbington need to be protected
Pressure will arise to extend development to boundary of Welsh Road and green belt around Thwaites factory
Heavy clay causes site to flood
Would cause pressure on local schools and doctors
Proposed development at Glebe Farm would result in the loss of footpaths

Full text:

The proposed site access could be from Offchurch Road between Hill Farm and the public footpath entrance and through the cul-de-sacs off Parklands Avenue. Offchurch Road, Rugby Road, Windmill Hill (and roundabout at top of hill where many accidents occur) will be affected are not suitable to support the increase in traffic (from the significant number of houses proposed) travelling to and from the village at 'rush hour' morning and evening and will cause a great deal of disruption to all Cubbington residents
The green belt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa. The two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington village need to be protected from encroachment of the countryside otherwise the character of the village will be lost permanently joined to Lillington by the proposed development
If the proposed development is allowed, pressure will inevitably arise to extend the development to the clearly defined boundary of the Welsh Road and into the green belt around the Thwaites factory
The heavy clay soil of this area causes the site to be prone to flooding, building on the proposed site would make the existing village flooding problem worse
Housing development of the proposed site and the potential increase in residential numbers would cause a great deal of pressure on local schools and doctors
The proposed development at Glebe Farm would result in the loss of footpaths used by myself and other members of the Cubbington and Lillington communities on a regular basis


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44474

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Nicola Beasley

Representation Summary:

Concerned about the impact on village life
Cross Lane can be hazardous in mornings. Only room for one moving vehicle as vehicles parked on road. Do not want Cross Lane to be used as a throughfare
The road is too narrow and winding for a glut of traffic use.
Village school not geared up to take on more children. People want familiar friendly place to send children to school
Like to see wildlife in farm fields. What will happen to the wildlife? Where will they go? or will they die?
Flooding was quite scary. Building will only make it worse

Full text:

We are concerned about the impact on vilage life that this development would bring.
Living in Cross Lane can be hazardous in the mornings as it is. There is only room for one moving vehicle at a time as everyone has a car (or more) parked on the road outside their property. I do not want Cross Lane to be used as a throughfare as I suspect householders in Price Road feel the same. Have you tried driving up and down Offchurch Road/Windmill Hill? they already speed and are often on the wrong side of the road. I myself have had to pull into Ladycroft before now otherwise I would have been in an accident. The road is too narrow and winding for a glut of traffic use. We moved to the village for a quieter, cleaner way of life, we do not want to see this ending. The village school I'm sure is not geared up to take on lots more children. People (parents) want a familiar friendly place to send children to school where they know one another and not some sprawling inpersonal place where no-one speaks to one another.
We like to look out of our bedroom windows to see the wildlife in the farm fields opposite us. We watch the hares in particular and are fascinated by them. What will happen to the wildlife? Where will they go? or will they die?
Did any of you live through the Easter flood or the next flooding or the flash flooding? It was quite scary for all of us. The water was running down Cross Land and built up against Thwaites building. Once or twice I have had to wait a couple of hours before getting home (with New Street and Offchurch Road flooded). I don't see building a development of housing helping with this problem, only making it worse


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44475

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: D Brown

Representation Summary:

This will cause more flooding in the villages.
All the traffic coming on to Rugby Road will cause congestion.
Schools will not be able to cope with all the new young children

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This will cause more flooding in the villages.
All the traffic coming on to Rugby Road will cause congestion.
Schools will not be able to cope with all the new young children


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44476

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs J Davies

Representation Summary:

Area is designated green belt
Flooding problem in Cubbington has not yet been solved and would get much worse and would greatly aggravate the situation
Sewerage system would not take more houses unless a major overhaul would be needed
Schools would not be big enough to take a large influx of children
Traffic at the junction of Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road would be horrendous
Would swamp the beautiful village of Cubbington and it would lose its village identity

Full text:

The area is designated green belt
the flooding problem in Cubbington has not yet been solved and would get much worse and would greatly aggravate the situation
The sewerage system would not take more houses unless a major overhail would be needed
The schools would not be big enough to take a large influx of children
The traffic at the junction of Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road would be horrendous
It would swamp the beautiful village of Cubbington and it would lose its village identity


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44477

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs June Brady

Representation Summary:

Site is A1 agricultural land. Why when are we going to the expense of importing vegetables from all over the world are we proposing to build on agricultural land?
Area designated is prone to flooding. Will get worse.
Impact on road system. Roads are already over-used. Will impose risks for children entering/leaving school
Local schools already full
Water supplies will also be affected
Impact on wild life. What will happen to them?
Housing market already in doldrums. Why flood the market with properties that will remain half built or empty.
Should be looking at old Ford factory

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Site is A1 agricultural land. Why when are we going to the expense of importing vegetables from all over the world are we proposing to build on agricultural land? Surely we should be concentrating on producing our own food, thus cutting back on the number of food journeys food has to make giving our own farmers a living and ensuring we are eating fresh food
Area designated is prone to flooding. Residents in Cubbington and Parklands Avenue have had their property flood on a yearly basis. This will only get worse. Can Severn Trent cope with this?
Any proposed dwelling will have an impact on the current road system. These roads are already over-used. traffic jams are common during peak travel time. The junctions between Parklands Avenue, Cubbington Road and Telford Avenue are already accident blackspots. This will only increase. Windmill Hill is also subject to heavy traffic at peak hours. Cubbington School is at the top of the hill, this will impose risks for children entering/leaving school
Local schools are already full to capacity - where will children living on the proposed site go to school?
Water supplies will also be affected - can Severn Trent cope?
Then we have the impact on wild life. Several badger setts can be found on the fields. These are a protected species, what will happen to them? Wild birds will also be affected. The RSPB tell us that the bird population of Britain is decreasing, this will only add to the problem
The housing market is already in the doldrums. Why flood the market with properties that will remain half built or empty.
Surely instead of building on agricultural land we should be looking at the site of the old Ford factory. Do we really need another supermarket thus adding to the traffic problems in that area, We already have Sainsbury and Lidl why add another one


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44478

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: J Chamberlain

Representation Summary:

Increase in traffic noise/pollution especially during construction
access - not acceptable using small cul de sacs
Increase flood risk
Loss of wildlife
Decrease in house prices
Loss of identity between Cubbington and Lillington

Full text:

Increase in traffic noise/pollution especially during construction
access - not acceptable using small cul de sacs
Increase flood risk
Loss of wildlife
Decrease in house prices
Loss of identity between Cubbington and Lillington


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44479

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Brian D Parkins

Representation Summary:

Object to residential development on this site for the following reasons:

1. Development will exaccerbate existing drainage problems in Cubbington.

2. Local schools have insufficient spare capacity.

3. Development of the site will increase traffic at Parklands Ave and Valley Road and at the access to the site on Offchurch Road.

4. Wildlife, including badgers,must be catered for in the plans

5. Consideration must be given to several footpaths crossing the site.

6. Village unity & identity will be eroded by the impact of 3,000 new homes.

7. Consideration should be given to development on the Coventry Airport or Peugeot sites

Full text:

Object to residential development on land between Cubbington and Lillington for the following reasons:
In 2007, 48 homes were flooded in the village due to inadequate drainage and nothing has been done to improve the situation since. To pour concrete over this site will negate the sponge effect and will increase surface water run-off in both volume and speed. The site is an important part of the catchment. Water runs from the fields at the farm gate/ footpath opposite Queen Street across the road now as a result of run-off. the overflow of the culverted stream on Windmill Hill also needs to be taken into account.
Adequate drainage, 3ft diameter pipes, will be neeeded to transport water directly into the River Leam downstream of the factory site. The same sized pipes should be installed in the roads in New Street, Penns Close, Knightly Close, Ladycroft, Price Road and Offchurch Road and connected to the Leam downstream of the factory. The pumping station wi;; also need to be upgraded. Bearing in mind its previous failure, perhaps 5 times its present capacity might be satisfactory.

2. Schools
Local schools have insufficient capacity to take the childen that will move into the area.

3. Traffic
Traffic is already a problem at school time. Cars are parked on the pavement for about 100 yards at 8.30am on Windmill Hill. There are frequent accidents on the crossroads; traffic light swill be needed and roads may need to be widened which will be difficult.
Traffic will be increased at Parklands Ave and Valley Road and at the access to the site on Offchurch Road.

4. Wildlife
Wildlife, including badgers,must be catered for in the plans

5. Footpaths
Consideration must be given to several footpaths crossing the site and possibility of using a private driveway.

6. Village Unity & Identity
This will be eroded by the impact of 3,000 new homes.

7. Consideration of other Sites
Should consider Coventry Airport or Peugeot sites.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44480

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Thomas Reading

Representation Summary:

Object to the ingress onto the green belt. Development would join Lillington and Cubbington spoiling character of the area. Live close to the edge of Lillington and bought property for peace and quiet and countryside views
Flooding concerns. Development would cause an increase in flood risk to area
Traffic - increase in traffic would be very dangerous and intrusive to my peace and quiet

Full text:

Object to the ingress onto the green belt. Development would join Lillington and Cubbington spoiling character of the area. Live close to the edge of Lillington and bought property for peace and quiet and countryside views
Flooding concerns. Development would cause an increase in flood risk to area
Traffic - increase in traffic would be very dangerous and intrusive to my peace and quiet


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44481

Received: 23/03/2010

Respondent: R A Key

Representation Summary:

Concerned about the scale of the development and, in particular:
the impact on existing infrastructure;
the generation of additional traffic which is already at a high level;
the loss of the amenity of open countryside; and
the impact on existing drainage problems and flooding.

Full text:

Concerned about the scale of the development and, in particular:
the impact on existing infrastructure;
the generation of additional traffic which is already at a high level;
the loss of the amenity of open countryside; and
the impact on existing drainage problems and flooding.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44484

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Jean & David Evans

Representation Summary:

Heavy clay sub-soil causes the site to be prone to flooding along the north western boundary. Causes surface water to run-off flooding in Oakridge Road and Parklands Avenue. Excess surface water also flows down the edge of the field to stagnate in the Cubbington Brook at the bottom of the field

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Heavy clay sub-soil causes the site to be prone to flooding along the north western boundary. Causes surface water to run-off flooding in Oakridge Road and Parklands Avenue. Excess surface water also flows down the edge of the field to stagnate in the Cubbington Brook at the bottom of the field


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44486

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Thomas Bates & Son LTD

Agent: Andrew Martin Associates

Representation Summary:

Site 3 - This site is contrary to the spatial strategy which directs major growth to the urban areas of Warwick / Leamington and Whitnash. All previous development proposals surrounding Cubbington have ben previously rejected by the Council.

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The Alternative Sites Paper does not comment on the need for these new sites to be subject to a sustainability appraisal and therefore would not appear to follow the procedures set out in PPS12 and its companion documents.

Sites 1a and 1b - This site is not compatible with the Districts preferred spatial strategy for growth which focuses on Warwick / Leamington and Whitnash. In the absense of an SA it is unclear what the ecological impact would be.

Site 2 - Without an SA the full impact of developing this site is unknown. It would however, be contrary to sustainability objectives 6 (housing), 3 (natural environment) and 16 (flooding).

Site 3 - This site is contrary to the spatial strategy which directs major growth to the urban areas of Warwick / Leamington and Whitnash. All previous development proposals surrounding Cubbington have ben previously rejected by the Council.

Site 4 - This site is contrary to the spatial strategy which directs major growth to the urban areas of Warwick / Leamington and Whitnash.

Site 5 and 6 - Both are large areas of West Midlands Green Belt which maintains separation between towns and villages.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44490

Received: 23/03/2010

Respondent: Mr Slyth

Representation Summary:

Object to development due to insufficient infrastructure, flooding problems and loss of amenity.

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Object to development due to insufficient infrastructure, flooding problems and loss of amenity.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44491

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Mrs M Wilcox

Representation Summary:

Where are people going to work? (un?)employment already high.
Criminal to build on A1 agricultural land. Plenty of empty houses/ brown field sites.
Need green fields to breathe
Will lose wildlife.
People moved to Cubbington to be part of village
Schools at capacity
Campion Hills treatment plant doesn't have capacity to provide potable water
Sewerage same.
Parklands will be a rat run
Superstores/shops are south of town, sending extra traffic over existing bridges
Development will put pressure for further development.
Side roads unsuitable for heavy traffic
Would like to know about the 'claw back provision' requiring purchaser to pay 30% of the enhanced land value

Full text:

Why do we need these houses? the people who decide this , do not live here and do not know the necessities or problems
Where are these people going to work? (un?)employment is already high in this area. They can't all find employment in London or Birmingham. the proposed new hight speed train won't stop here for them.
It is criminal to build on A1 agricultural land. We need to grow more food for ourselves and import less. Plenty of empty houses and brown field sites could be used. We all know that it is easier and cheaper to build on just one large site than in little bits
We need the green fields to breathe some decent unpolluted air
We will lose all of the wildlife. Badgers, foxes, herons and numerous birds and wild flowers
Some of the people in the village of Cubbington moved there to be part of a village not to be part of an urban sprawl
The three schools are at full capacity
Campion Hills treatment plant does not have the capacity to provide potable water for thousands of other people
The sewerage is the same, there are already problems in several places in Parklands Avenue. If Parklands Avenue is opened up to the crest it will be a rat run into town avoiding the traffic islands on Cubbington/Lillington Roads
The superstores/shops are south of the town, sending the extra traffic over the existing bridges whcih will cause problems in the future.
If this development gets the go-ahead, it will leave developers free to put pressure on for further development along Offchurch Road.
Side roads to the site are unsuitable for heavy traffic both in width and in structure. House values have plummeted both in the village and along Parklands Avenue.
Finally, flooding, there isn't any more to say about this that has not already been said, except that I live half way down the hill and the water lies at the bottom of my garden for about 9 months of the year, it doesn't drain away.
Also there is a natural spring at the bottom of the gardens further along from me. Also I would like to know about the 'claw back provision' when this land was sold 18 months ago. This requires the purchaser to pay 30% of the enhanced value arising from the sale for development on any part of the farm. This ongoing profiteering will cause houses to be so expensive : who will be able to afford them - leaving many empty properties


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44492

Received: 23/03/2010

Respondent: Christine Dunn

Representation Summary:

Object to the development for the following reasons:
1. The proposals threaten the village atmosphere of Cubbington, wiping out Green Belt between Lillington & Cubbington and wildlife & countryside habitats
2. Flooding will become potentially an increasing possibility in the future due to the clay soils of the proposed development area
3. The proposed development will increase traffic significantly in an area where there is already considerable pressure, particularly at the Windmill Hill roundabout
4. Services, such as GPs, schools etc will be pressured
5. Leisure opportunuties, such as walking, will be threatened, with the possible loss of footpaths.

Full text:

Object to the development of this site for the following reasons:
1. The proposals threaten the village atmosphere of Cubbington, wiping out Green Belt between Lillington & Cubbington and wildlife & countryside habiatats
2. Flooding in recent years will become potentially an increasing possibility in the future due to the clay soils of the proposed development area
3. The proposed development will increase traffic significantly in an area where there is already considerable pressure, particularly at the Windmill Hill roundabout
4. Services, such as GPs, schools etc will be pressured
5. Leisure opportunuties, such as walking, will be threatened, with the possible loss of footpaths.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44494

Received: 23/03/2010

Respondent: Mr D Thomas

Representation Summary:

Parklands Avenue is currently quiet with little traffic despite the busy main crossroads. Development of the site would increase traffic and turn Parklands Avenue into an area in which it is unsafe for children to play near their homes.

Full text:

Parklands Avenue is currently quiet with little traffic despite the busy main crossroads. Development of the site would increase traffic and turn Parklands Avenue into an area in which it is unsafe for children to play near their homes.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44497

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Stansgate Planning

Representation Summary:

3 - Supports the development of this site as it can occur without adverse visual impact or harm to the wider openness of the Green Belt. It is a sustainable location already well served by public transport and in close proximity to a wide range of local services and facilities.
The land is currently owned jointly by the King Henry VIII Endowed Trust and Sir Thomas White's Charity who are also involved in the promotion of land at Europa Way. We are instructed to inform the Council that the allocation and development of land at Europa Way must take precedence over land at Cubbington. If the Council feels it is unnecessary to allocate the land now it should still be removed from the green belt to allow for future housing needs to be met.

Full text:

Site 1a - is in active use as an important sports facility for the town of Kenilworth. Its loss would be detrimental to the local community and contrary to national planning guidance. Development on the site would also be unacceptably prominent causing harm to the openness of the Green Belt.

1b - contains an attractive building set in substantial and well maintained grounds currently in use for training / employment . Intensifying development on the site would be harmful to the character and appearance of the locality.

2 - This would be unacceptable as it is a very large parcel of land which would inevitably be at the loss of other more preferable sites currently proposed for development. It is less sustainable than other sites proposed in the Preferred Options Draft and Alternative Sites paper. Parts of the site suffer from flooding and are prominent from a landscape perspective.

3 - Supports the development of this site as it can occur without adverse visual impact or harm to the wider openness of the Green Belt. It is a sustainable location already well served by public transport and in close proximity to a wide range of local services and facilities.
The land is currently owned jointly by the King Henry VIII Endowed Trust and Sir Thomas White's Charity who are also involved in the promotion of land at Europa Way. We are instructed to inform the Council that the allocation and development of land at Europa Way must take precedence over land at Cubbington. If the Council feels it is unnecessary to allocate the land now it shoulsd still be removed from the green belt to allow for future housing needs to be met.

Site 4 - Land beyond the Warwick By-Pass is wholly inappropriate for development to meet the needs of Warwick and Leamington. It is poorly related to the main urban area and harmful to the wider Green Belt and countryside objectives. Development would involve a major encroachment into the open countryside and significantly harm the openness of the green belt.

Site 5 - Development would be wholly inappropriate as the land is poorly related to the existing urban areas and thus would be entirely unsustainable. Development would be harmful in landscape and result in a major encroachment into the Green Belt.

Site 6 - The land is wholly inappropriate for residential development. The area identified contains a huge number of valuable existing uses which need to be retained, together with the attractive village of Baginton. Residential development on any part of the site would not meet the needs of Warwick or Leamington and would be likely to result in unacceptable levels of commuting. It would be unacceptably harmful in landscape terms and detrimental to the openness of the Green Belt.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44498

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Alison Parry

Representation Summary:

Concerned that even more green belt is being eroded and size of potential development will impact tremendously on area turning Leamington into huge built up area with no distinction between it, Cubbington and Lillington. Severn Trent Water has done works in recent years to combat flooding in heavy rainfall, addtional demand will have negative impact. Demand and water supplies from the mains will impact upon pressure and flow. Land clay based making drainage more difficult causing flooding.
Increased congestion, need for schooling etc will turn village into one big town.

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Concerned that even more green belt land is being eroded and the size of the potential development will impact tremendously on the area and turn Leamington Spa into a huge built up area with no distinction between it, Cubbington and Lillington. Whilst Severn Trent Water has done works in recent years to combat flooding in heavy rainfall, addtional demand on already over used sewers and drains will have negative impact on existing residents. Demand and water supplies from the mains will impact upon pressure and flow provided to us in the future. STW will not have any plans up to its next asset management plan to cater for such a huge project. The land being heavily clay based will make drainage even more difficult and will cause flooding in the local area.
The increased congestion, need for schooling and other service provision will turn our village into one big town and if I'd wanted to live in the midst/thick of town life I'd have bought a house 3 miles away.
I object very strongly to this proposed development


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44502

Received: 23/03/2010

Respondent: Linda & Steven Howe

Representation Summary:

Object for the following reasons:
1. Loss of Green Belt
2. Increase in traffic
3. Strain on local services and facilities
4. Danger of increased flooding in Cubbington village - as per your briefing document.

Full text:

Object for the following reasons:
1. Loss of Green Belt
2. Increase in traffic
3. Strain on local services and facilities
4. Danger of increased flooding in Cubbington village - as per your briefing document.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44503

Received: 23/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs S Lawson

Representation Summary:

The impervious heavy clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding. Building on this land would worsen the existing village flooding problem which has yet to be sorted out and which is the cause of much concern.

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The impervious heavy clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding. Building on this land would worsen the existing village flooding problem which has yet to be sorted out and which is the cause of much concern.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44504

Received: 23/03/2010

Respondent: G & A Green

Representation Summary:

Additional housing development on this site will increase traffic in an area which is already congested, particularly the Windmill Hill/ Kenilwort Road junction which is already too dangerous.
Future housing development would also risk further flooding to Cubbington village.
Wildlife such as protected newts and badgers would be destroyed.
There are insufficient jobs in the area for local people and this will not be helped by more housing.

Full text:

Additional housing development on this site will increase traffic in an area which is already congested, particularly the Windmill Hill/ Kenilwort Road junction which is already too dangerous.
Future housing development would also risk further flooding to Cubbington village.
Wildlife such as protected newts and badgers would be destroyed.
There are insufficient jobs in the area for local people and this will not be helped by more housing.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44505

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Norma M Dawson

Representation Summary:

Telford/Parklands junction. Too many accidents - traffic accelerates too quickly entering Parklands.
Heavy clay - seen too many floodings
Congestion made worse

Full text:

Telford/Parklands junction. Too many accidents - traffic accelerates too quickly entering Parklands.
Heavy clay - seen too many floodings
Congestion made worse


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44506

Received: 23/03/2010

Respondent: Mr Mark Enstone

Representation Summary:

Supports the development of the Glebe Farm site. Young people born in the village, such as my son, cannot find social housing locally and have to move away and pay large rents for private rented housing.
The only objection to the development would be on grounds of flooding. Others are objecting on the grounds of pressure on the Doctors Surgery but no doubt new facilities would be provided to serve the new development.
New housing development would bring more trade and commerce to the area and help keep the post office going. Also good access to this development.

Full text:

Supports the development of the Glebe Farm site. Young people born in the village, such as my son, cannot find social housing locally and have to move away and pay large rents (£650 per month) for private rented housing.
The only objection to the development would be on grounds of flooding. Others are objecting on the grounds of pressure on the Doctors Surgery but no doubt new facilities would be provided to serve the new development.
New housing development would bring more trade and commerce to the area and help keep the post office going. Also plenty of access to this development.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44507

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Margaret Pedley

Representation Summary:

Home is subject to flooding, to build another 2000+ homes with all the drainage, surface water and sewerage problems is unthinkable
Object to volume of traffic it would cause on roads which were never designed to take this amount. Junction with Parklands and Cubbington Road is death trap; extra traffic there and at the juntion of Oakridge and Parklands plus the other side roads would result in chaos.
Cubbington would lose village status, Our villages are precious and deserve protecting.
We have so many buildings empty in the town, why not make use of them.
Who are these people offering to sell the land?

Full text:

I object to the development for several reasons:
Home is subject to flooding, to build another 2000+ homes with all the drainage, surface water and sewerage problems these would create is just unthinkable
Object to volume of traffic it would cause on roads which were never designed to take this amount. Junction with Parklands and Cubbington Road is a death trap at the moment, extra traffic there and at the juntion of Oakridge and Parklands plus the other side roads would result in chaos.
Cubbington would lose its village status, Our villages are precious and deserve protecting.
We have so many buildings empty in the town, why not make use of them.
Who are these people who are offering to sell the land?


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44508

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Mrs D King

Representation Summary:

Due to likelihood of large amounts of traffic this will bring, I object to the development

Full text:

Due to likelihood of large amounts of traffic this will bring, I object to the development