
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44498

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Alison Parry

Representation Summary:

Concerned that even more green belt is being eroded and size of potential development will impact tremendously on area turning Leamington into huge built up area with no distinction between it, Cubbington and Lillington. Severn Trent Water has done works in recent years to combat flooding in heavy rainfall, addtional demand will have negative impact. Demand and water supplies from the mains will impact upon pressure and flow. Land clay based making drainage more difficult causing flooding.
Increased congestion, need for schooling etc will turn village into one big town.

Full text:

Concerned that even more green belt land is being eroded and the size of the potential development will impact tremendously on the area and turn Leamington Spa into a huge built up area with no distinction between it, Cubbington and Lillington. Whilst Severn Trent Water has done works in recent years to combat flooding in heavy rainfall, addtional demand on already over used sewers and drains will have negative impact on existing residents. Demand and water supplies from the mains will impact upon pressure and flow provided to us in the future. STW will not have any plans up to its next asset management plan to cater for such a huge project. The land being heavily clay based will make drainage even more difficult and will cause flooding in the local area.
The increased congestion, need for schooling and other service provision will turn our village into one big town and if I'd wanted to live in the midst/thick of town life I'd have bought a house 3 miles away.
I object very strongly to this proposed development