
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44504

Received: 23/03/2010

Respondent: G & A Green

Representation Summary:

Additional housing development on this site will increase traffic in an area which is already congested, particularly the Windmill Hill/ Kenilwort Road junction which is already too dangerous.
Future housing development would also risk further flooding to Cubbington village.
Wildlife such as protected newts and badgers would be destroyed.
There are insufficient jobs in the area for local people and this will not be helped by more housing.

Full text:

Additional housing development on this site will increase traffic in an area which is already congested, particularly the Windmill Hill/ Kenilwort Road junction which is already too dangerous.
Future housing development would also risk further flooding to Cubbington village.
Wildlife such as protected newts and badgers would be destroyed.
There are insufficient jobs in the area for local people and this will not be helped by more housing.