Do you support or object to the development of Glebe Farm, Cubbington?

Showing comments and forms 391 to 420 of 903


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44509

Received: 23/03/2010

Respondent: Gayna Looney

Representation Summary:

Appreciates the need for family housing but feels that the size of the development is too large and will become another Warwick Gates.
Cubbington village does not have the infrastructure to support such a development and is currently surrounded by beautiful, much used fields.
Local schools are already over-subscribed and a new development will make this worse.
Large scale new development will exacerbate the drainage problem leading to more flooding, damaged roads and a damaged ecological environment.
The provision of more housing in the Leamington area is essential but the solution should be to develop a number of locations.

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Appreciates the need for family housing but feels that the size of the development is too large and will become another Warwick Gates.
Cubbington village does not have the infrastructure to support such a development and is currently surrounded by beautiful, much used fields.
Local schools are already over-subscribed and a new development will make this worse.
Large scale new development will exacerbate the drainage problem leading to more flooding, damaged roads and a damaged ecological environment.
The provision of more housing in the Leamington area is essential and would benefit many families but surely the solution should be to develop a number of locations and not create another out of town ghetto.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44510

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Cllr Sarah Boad

Representation Summary:

Green space between Lillington & Cubbington must be protected to prevent unrestricted sprawl of Leamington, it safeguards countryside from encroachment and maintains the two distinct communities
Pressure will arise to extend development to Welsh Road and into the green belt
The impervious heavy clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding
The site would be accessed through the various closes off Parklands Avenue and through The Crest and Mason Avenue, the existing road infrastructure not suitable to support the increase
Junctions already overloaded at peak times and already heavily congested.
Large scale development would significantly increase traffic and congestion

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The green space between Lillington & Cubbington must be protected to prevent unrestricted sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa, it safeguards the countryside from encroachment and maintains the two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington village.
Pressure will inevitably arise to extend the development to the clearly defined boundary of Welsh Road and into the green belt, extended in 2007, around the Thwaites factory.
The impervious heavy clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding particularly along the north western boundary and currently causes flooding to the rear of Cubbington Road and to properties in Oakridge Road and Parklands Avenue.
The site would be accessed through the various closes off Parklands Avenue and through The Crest and Mason Avenue, the existing road infrastructure (50's, 60's and 70's estate roads) are not suitable to support the significant increase in traffic that wouold be generated by any large scale development of the site.
The Telford Avenue/Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road junction is already overloaded at peak times and is the scene of many collisions due to the difficulty of exiting or entering Telford and Parklands Avenues or crossing Cubbington Road. The Crown Way, Lime Avenue junction is also already heavily congested.
Such a large scale development would significantly increase cross town traffic and congestion as all of the major food retailers and employment opportunities are located south of the river accessed by only four river crossings.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44511

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Alan Boad

Representation Summary:

Green space between Lillington/Cubbington must be protected to prevent sprawl of Leamington. Safeguards countryside from encroachment and maintains two distinct communities.
Protection should be retained. Are non-designated sites suitable for development.
Pressure will arise to extend development to boundary of Welsh Road and green belt.
Impervious heavy clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding
Site would be accessed through the various closes off Parklands Avenue and through The Crest and Mason Avenue, the existing road infrastructure not suitable to support significant increase in traffic Junctions already overloaded at peak times and heavily congested.
Development would increase cross town traffic/congestion.

Full text:

The green space between Lillington & Cubbington must be protected to prevent unrestricted sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa, it safeguards the countryside from encroachment and maintains the two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington village.
The protection given by the existing green belt should be retained whilst there are other non desinated green belt sites which are suitable for development in the district
Pressure will inevitably arise to extend the development to the clearly defined boundary of Welsh Road and into the green belt, extended in 2007, around the Thwaites factory.
The impervious heavy clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding particularly along the north western boundary and currently causes flooding to the rear of Cubbington Road and to properties in Oakridge Road and Parklands Avenue.
The site would be accessed through the various closes off Parklands Avenue and through The Crest and Mason Avenue, the existing road infrastructure (50's, 60's and 70's estate roads) are not suitable to support the significant increase in traffic that wouold be generated by any large scale development of the site.
The Telford Avenue/Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road junction is already overloaded at peak times and is the scene of many collisions due to the difficulty of exiting or entering Telford and Parklands Avenues or crossing Cubbington Road. The Crown Way, Lime Avenue junction is also already heavily congested.
Such a large scale development would significantly increase cross town traffic and congestion as all of the major food retailers and employment opportunities are located south of the river accessed by only four river crossings.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44512

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Thomas Barrow

Representation Summary:


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Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44514

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Miss A L Jones

Representation Summary:

Site is farmland, producing annual crop. We are losing farmland at dangerous rate. Preference should be given to brownfield and non-green belt.
Fields are associated with footpaths, both public and customary, providing direct access for ramblersetc to countryside with incalculable benefits to health and well-being.
Site is heavy clay, causing repeated flooding
Access to site would be difficult
Provision of traffic lights, roundabouts and pedestrian crossings in the area north of Crown Way is an indication of how the volume of traffic has increased. Infrastructure is wholly inadequate to cope with the imposition of possibly 3000+ vehicles

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This site is farmland, producing an annual crop. Nationally, we are losing farmland at a dangerous rate and such change should be resisted and preference for the foreseeable future given to developing brownfield and non-green belt designated land
These fields are associated with footpaths, both public and customary. They provide the more direct access for ramblers, dog walkers etc to the further countryside without the need to have a car. It is an almost universal aspiration to 'live in the country' and for most town dwellers, the green belt satisfies that aspiration, with incalculable benefits to health and well-being.
The site is heavy clay, causing repeated flooding to properties in Cubbington, Parklands Avenue etc. This causes long-term distress with no guaranteed remedy.
Access to the site would be difficult and could not be achieved without lengthy and unpleasant effects on all local households from construction vehicles, noise, dust, dirt etc
The provision of traffic lights, roundabouts and pedestrian crossings in the area north of Crown Way is an indication of how the volume of traffic has increased over the last say, twenty years. The infrastructure is wholly inadequate to cope with the imposition of possibly 3000+ vehicles


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44515

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs R Robson

Representation Summary:

Area already too busy with traffic and could not cope with extra cars. What about schools? They would be unable to cope.
With heavy clay the chances of flooding would increase
The view. If we lost that the value of our properties would diminish.

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This area is already too busy with traffic and could not cope with the suggested extra cars. What about schools? They would be unable to cope with such an influx and the children themselves would be at danger from the extra traffic.
We have been lucky so far in Lillington, but not so for the people in Cubbington, but with the heavy clay the chances of flooding would increase dramatically and so would insurance costs which as OAPs would be dreadful.
Another thing is the view. When we moved here 11 years ago this was a buying and selling point. If we lost that the value of our properties would diminish - added to the amount they already have during the credit crunch. Our one hope, and I'm sure it will happen, is that we will not have long to suffer the present govt and that common sense will reign in the end.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44516

Received: 23/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Carol O'Donnell

Representation Summary:

Strongly objects to this development. In 38 years there have been 3 developments in the village - Cotton Mill, Pinehurst and Austen Court - and since then the village has been flooded 3 times, most notably in 2007.
Traffic is very heavy on the Offchurch Road and Windmill Hill with many accidents at the island on the top of Windmill Hill.
This is a village and the residents do not want to be part of Lillington. The Glebe Farm area has much wildlife and many public footpaths.

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Strongly objects to this development. In 38 years there have been 3 developments in the village - Cotton Mill, Pinehurst and Austen Court - and since then the village has been flooded 3 times, most notably in 2007.
Traffic is very heavy on the Offchurch Road and Windmill Hill with many accidents at the island on the top of Windmill Hill.
This is a village and the residents do not want to be part of Lillington. The Glebe Farm area has much wildlife and many public footpaths.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44517

Received: 23/03/2010

Respondent: Miss H Mitchell

Representation Summary:

Objects for the following reasons:
1. Development would worsen the effects of heavy rain with more water run-off and inadequate drainage
2. The village character would be lost
4. Increased pressure on existing facilities

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Objects for the following reasons:
1. Development would worsen the effects of heavy rain with more water run-off and inadequate drainage
2. The village character would be lost
4. Increased pressure on existing facilities


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44518

Received: 23/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Doreen Harris

Representation Summary:

Cubbington is subject to severe flooding so building on higher ground at Glebe Farm would cause even more problems.
Traffic is already heavy at the Windmill Hill/Rugby Road crossroads and is adjacent to a school entrance. Accidents are common at this junction.
More school places would be required.
Cubbington is still a village community and this would be threatened by any further development

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Cubbington is subject to severe flooding so building on higher ground at Glebe Farm would cause even more problems.
Traffic is already heavy at the Windmill Hill/Rugby Road crossroads and is adjacent to a school entrance. Accidents are common at this junction.
More school places would be required.
Cubbington is still a village community and this would be threatened by any further development


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44519

Received: 23/03/2010

Respondent: E A & P E Wright

Representation Summary:

The loss of agricultural land is undesirable and should be avoided for ecological and economic reasons. Our increasing population is becoming more dependent on imported food.
Traffic congestion resulting from development of the Glebe Farm site would be horrendous at peak times and 4 schools would be affected by the proposed development - Lillington School, Telford School, Cubbington C of E Primary and Our Lady & St Teresa's RC School.
Village identity, a pleasant countryside and wildlife habitat would be lost

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The loss of agricultural land is undesirable and should be avoided for ecological and economic reasons. Our increasing population is becoming more dependent on imported food.
Traffic congestion resulting from development of the Glebe Farm site would be horrendous at peak times and 4 schools would be affected by the proposed development - Lillington School, Telford School, Cubbington C of E Primary and Our Lady & St Teresa's RC School.
Village identity, a pleasant countryside and wildlife habitat would be lost


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44520

Received: 23/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Cara Hill

Representation Summary:

There are more suitable sites within the local vicinity.
The development would put more strain on local services such as schools and roads.

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There are more suitable sites within the local vicinity.
The development would put more strain on local services such as schools and roads.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44521

Received: 02/03/2010

Respondent: A B Clark

Representation Summary:

Strongly object for the following reasons:
1. Flooding
2. Traffic congestion
3. Sonic boom & related noise from 14 high speed trains per hour
4. Irrepairable damage to flora, fauna & wildlife
5. Loss of productive arable farmland

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Strongly object for the following reasons:
1. Flooding
2. Traffic congestion
3. Sonic boom & related noise from 14 high speed trains per hour
4. Irrepairable damage to flora, fauna & wildlife
5. Loss of productive arable farmland


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44522

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Ms Joan Nixon

Representation Summary:

This proposal is absolute madness on every level. I cannot think of a single reason to support it or recomment it.

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This proposal is absolute madness on every level. I cannot think of a single reason to support it or recommend it


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44523

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Mr & Miss L & M Wilkins & Rogers

Representation Summary:

This new build will cause a lot of disruption to the whole area of Cubbington and roads leading to Cubbington Road, plus all minor roads. Possible crime increase. Also cuts in police and fire services should be considered at this time.
To make Cubbington village part of this plan would be unreasonable, it is best to keep it a village in its own right

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This new build will cause a lot of disruption to the whole area of Cubbington and roads leading to Cubbington Road, plus all minor roads. Possible crime increase. Also cuts in police and fire services should be considered at this time.
To make Cubbington village part of this plan would be unreasonable, it is best to keep it a village in its own right


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44524

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: H E Ward

Representation Summary:

Overload of traffic
Flooding of Cubbington
Too many houses
Getting out of Parklands already a hazard
Against green belt being used

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Overload of traffic
Flooding of Cubbington
Too many houses
Getting out of Parklands already a hazard
Against green belt being used


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44525

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Miss M L Smith

Representation Summary:

Road Infrastructure inadequate to support the significant increase in traffic that would be generated by any large scale development Potential risk of flooding - The impervious heavy clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding
Protection of green space - Impact on wildlife on these fields and the loss of well-used paths on this land
The green space between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl It safeguards the countryside from encroachment and it maintains the two distinct communities
Pressure will arise to extend development to Welsh Road and into the green belt.

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Road Infrastructure inadequate - the site would be accessed through various closes off Parklands Avenue and through The Crest and Mason Avenue. The existing road infrastructure (50's, 60's and 70's estate roads) are not suitable to support the significant increase in traffic that would be generated by any large scale development of the site.
The Telford Avenue/Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road junction is already overloaded at peak times and is the scene of many collisions due to the difficulty of exiting or entering Telford and Parklands Avenues or crossing Cubbington Road. The Crown Way, Lime Avenue junction is also already heavily congested.
Potential risk of flooding - The imopervious heavy clay subsoil causes the site to be prone to flooding particularly along the north western boundary and currently causes surface water to run off flooding to the rear of Cubbington Road and to propoerties in Oakridge Road, Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Village
Cubbington Village was subject to devastating floods in 2007 partially due to inadequate flood defences and drainage - none of whom have been addressed. The potential development of the site would only seek to compond the existing issues and made Cubbington a major flood zone
Protection of green space - Impact on wildlife on these fields and the loss of well-used paths on this land, including part of the Millenium Way. The protection given by the existing green belt should be retained whilst there are other non-designated green belt sites which are suitable for development in the district
The green space between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa. It safeguards the countryside from encroachment and it maintains the tow distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington village
Pressure wull inevitably arise to extend the development to the clearly defined boundary of Welsh Road and into the green belt, extended in 2007, around the Thwaites factory


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44526

Received: 16/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs Alison Kirk

Representation Summary:

The development of the Glebe and Tanners Farms area will decrease the amount of farmland available to soak up rainwater thereby increasing the strain on the drainage and sewer systems and sinificantly increasing the severity and frequency of flooding in Cubbington. If the site is developed there should be an effective flood aleviation scheme and drains and sewers replaced.
Also concerned about loss of farmland and access to the countryside and the pressure which any development would place on the local infrastructure, in particular the roads and schools.

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Concern about developing land between Cubbington & Lillington bearing in mind the havoc caused by floods in 2007. Although there are apparently plans to address the surface water drainage problems these are progressing at a slow pace.
The development of the Glebe and Tanners Farms area will decrease the amount of farmland available to soak up rainwater thereby increasing the strain on the drainage and sewer systems and sinificantly increasing the severity and frequency of flooding in Cubbington. If the site is developed there should be an effective flood aleviation scheme and drains and sewers replaced.
Also concerned about loss of farmland and access to the countryside and the pressure which any development would place on the local infrastructure, in particular the roads and schools.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44527

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs J T Simcock

Representation Summary:

The green area between Lillington and Cubbington must be upheld to keep the village communities as separate entities. Those living in the two areas chose to love in these places because they were villages.
Protection for green spaces must be upheld for health and safety
The roads, were not built for the extra traffic the site would attract
The access roads available which would lead to the site are too narrow with private houses on each side so no extra width available
It will be chaos and upheaval for all residents that chose this area for its peace and tranquility

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The green area between Lillington and Cubbington must be upheld to keep the village communities as separate entities. Those living in the two areas chose to love in these places because they were villages.
Protection for green spaces must be upheld for health and safety reasons
The roads, such as Parklands Avenue, which would no doubt be access points to the site were not built for the extra traffic the site would attract
The access roads available which would lead to the site are too narrow with private houses on each side so no extra width available
It will be chaos and upheaval for all residents that chose this area for its peace and tranquility


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44528

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Stuart Gardner

Representation Summary:

Strongly object to the development of Green Belt between Lillington and Cubbington to prevent more urban sprawl and safeguard the countryside with its wildlife and much used footpaths. The current infrastructure will not support such an intrusive development in an area that is already prone to flooding and which has very busy roads.

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Strongly object to the development of Green Belt between Lillington and Cubbington to prevent more urban sprawl and safeguard the countryside with its wildlife and much used footpaths. The current infrastructure will not support such an intrusive development in an area that is already prone to flooding and which has very busy roads.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44529

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Lesley Fox

Representation Summary:

Objects to the development of the site at Glebe Farm.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44530

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Paul Jenkins

Representation Summary:

Roads are already very busy. If there were more houses in the area the extra traffic (500 to 1000 vehicles in the rush hour) would bring area to standstill
The character of the area would totally change - are area would have the population of a small town
Cheviot Rise is one of the entrance roads into the development. It narrows after the entrance and is barely wide enough for 2 cars side by side. To enable buses etc. the pavements would have to be removed or some of the properties would lose part of their gardens

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I object to the proposed development at Glebe Farm for the following reasons:
The roads in the area are already very busy. to get to work in Cubbington I have to turn right onto Rugby Road from Parklands Avenue. In the rush hour this can take 5 minutes, even worse on a Tuesday when the refuse lorries are working
If there were more houses in the area the extra traffic (500 to 1000 vehicles in the rush hour) would totally bring the area to a standstill
The character of the area would totally change - are area would have te population of a small town
Cheviot Rise is one of the entrance roads into the development. It narrows after the entrance and is barely wide enough for 2 cars side by side. To enable buses etc. the pavements would have to be removed or some of the properties would lose part of their gardens


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44531

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Rod Pope

Representation Summary:

Objects to development of site at Glebe Farm

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Objects to development of site at Glebe Farm


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44532

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: Mrs B C Munro

Representation Summary:

Development of the site would greatly affect the community spirit in the village.
Traffic generated from the development would worsen current dangerous traffic situation at the junction of Queen Street and Windmill Hill.
There are more appropriate sites for development such as Coventry Airport.
Development would adversely affect amenity and character of Cubbington.

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Development of the site would greatly affect the community spirit in the village.
Traffic generated from the development would worsen current dangerous traffic situation at the junction of Queen Street and Windmill Hill.
There are more appropriate sites for development such as Coventry Airport.
Development would adversely affect amenity and character of Cubbington.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44533

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Susan Jenkins

Representation Summary:

The building of 2000 plus houses would greatly detract from the tranquility of Cheviot Rise. People enjoy looking over the fields to look at the birds and other wildlife. I'm sure there are badger setts here which are a protected species.
The increased traffic using the existing closes off Parklands Avenue would be a nightmare. I'm also concerned that Cheviot Rise could be used as a rabbit run down Valley Road to turn to avoid the Rugby Road. Roads around Parklands Avenue could not sustain such traffic with buses as well.
Cubbington would also lose its idenity as a village

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The building of 2000 plus houses would greatly detract from the tranquility of Cheviot Rise. People enjoy looking over the fields to look at the birds and other wildlife. I'm sure there are badger setts here as we have seen them in our garden which I understand are a protected species.
The increased traffic, possibly upwards of 1000 cars using the existing closes off Parklands Avenue would be a nightmare. The exit onto the Rugby Road now can take 5 or more minutes in peak times. It would bring the Rugby Road to a standstill. I'm also concerned that if Cheviot Rise were to be used as a rabbit run down Valley Road to turn to avoid the Rugby Road, which I think could be potentially dangerous. The roads around Parklands Avenue could not sustain such traffic with buses as well. I think there would be many more accidents. Cubbington would also lose its idenity as a village and we would all be swallowed up into greater Leamington.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44534

Received: 22/03/2010

Respondent: E C & G N Harrison

Representation Summary:

Development would increase flooding in Cubbington and worsen road safety, particularly at the roundabout on Rugby Road where traffic on Rugby Road often assumes it has right of way.

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Development would increase flooding in Cubbington and worsen road safety, particularly at the roundabout on Rugby Road where traffic on Rugby Road often assumes it has right of way.


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44535

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Chamberlain

Representation Summary:

Strongly object:
Increased flooding
Increased number of cars using roads around proposed site
Schools in area would not be able to take the number of children
Doctors surgery would not be able to take in that amount of people
The road at the bottom of Parklands Avenue joining Cubbington Road is already a bottle neck to try to get out

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Strongly object:
Increased flooding
Increased number of cars using roads around proposed site
Schools in area would not be able to take the number of children
Doctors surgery would not be able to take in that amount of people
The road at the bottom of Parklands Avenue joining Cubbington Road is already a bottle neck to try to get out


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44536

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Andrew Murphy

Representation Summary:

Do not want increased congestion in traffic across town
Admire green belt areas. these are what make this area appealing to homeowners. We purchased this house because we enjoy the views and near by countryside
Do not want the area to be prone to flooding
We want to safeguard the countryside from encroachments to both Lillington and Cubbington

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Do not want increased congestion in traffic across town
Admire green belt areas. these are what make this area appealing to homeowners. We purchased this house because we enjoy the views and near by countryside
Do not want the area to be prone to flooding
We want to safeguard the countryside from encroachments to both Lillington and Cubbington


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44537

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Maureen & John Green

Representation Summary:

We are definitely against development of housing as being proposed for the Glebe Farm site
The resulting amount of traffic (say average 1.5 cars per property) would mean upwards of 4000 vehicles most of them heading toward Leamington Spa - for shopping, work, schools
Should the proposed amount of housing be developed where would the children be educated? How many new schools are to be built?
If the development goes ahead, then Leamington Spa would extend out to beyond Cubbington village with no greenery to almost Weston under Wetherley
We understand that the 'green belt' was supposed to be 'sacrosanct'!!!!

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We are definitely against development of housing as being proposed for the Glebe Farm site
The resulting amount of traffic (say average 1.5 cars per property) would mean upwards of 4000 vehicles most of them heading toward Leamington Spa - for shopping, work, schools
Should the proposed amount of housing be developed where would the children be educated? How many new schools are to be built?
If the development goes ahead, then Leamington Spa would extend out to beyond Cubbington village with no greenery to almost Weston under Wetherley
We understand that the 'green belt' was supposed to be 'sacrosanct'!!!!


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44538

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Thomas R Pollard

Representation Summary:

Green belt must keep Leamington Spa/ Cubbington separate
The 'below standard' of existing roads should not support more traffic
Extra cars on Valley Road - already proving its too narrow for existing traffic
Parklands Avenue is overloaded. Side access to new estate would prove to be nighmare, too narrow, drops into fields
Schools, shops, doctors, surgerys etc.
Existing drainage and all other services inadequate
Existing flooding would be increased
Why use farm land to build on
Impact of carbon footprint would dramatically worsen
Disasterous effect on existing wildlife
Why put estate on opposite side of town to shops/employment
Poor crossing facilities/speed control on Cubbington Road

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The green belt must be kept to keep Leamington Spa and Cubbington separate
The 'below standard' of existing roads should not support more traffic as the experts on traffic in this country don't have a clue, look at the following examples:
Junction at Tesco - Warwick
Junction at Cubbington Road/Parklands Avenue is another example of what is wrong
Roundabout at Comptons Garage is another example - all black spots waiting on catastrophes waiting to happen
The existing road Kenilworth through to Offchurch is really a country lane forced to take ever more increasing amount of through traffic (to the Fosse etc)
Extra cars on Valley Road - already proving its too narrow for existing traffic
Parklands Avenue is already overloaded racetrack. Side accessed to non estate would prove to be a nighmare, too narrow, drops into fields
Schools, shops, doctors, surgerys etc. Inadequate to support extra housing
Existing drainage and all other services inadequate (50's, 60's, 70's design)
Existing flooding to some areas of Parklands would be increased
Why use fully used farm land to build on
Impact of carbon footprint would dramatically worsen
Disasterous effect on existing wildlife in this lovely open field area
Why put another large estate at the opposite side of town to all the shops and employment areas
Poor crossing facilities on Cubbington Road
Poor speed control on Cubbington Road, Parklands and Telford
The supposed 'planning' in this area is non existant and needs to be re-organised into a semblance of sensible and orderly - not on a whim!!
Our distinctive areas must be kept separate. Not a great blob!!


Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44539

Received: 06/05/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs D J Hunt

Representation Summary:

Significant increase in traffic that would be generated by any large scale development of the site

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Significant increase in traffic that would be generated by any large scale development of the site