
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44491

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Mrs M Wilcox

Representation Summary:

Where are people going to work? (un?)employment already high.
Criminal to build on A1 agricultural land. Plenty of empty houses/ brown field sites.
Need green fields to breathe
Will lose wildlife.
People moved to Cubbington to be part of village
Schools at capacity
Campion Hills treatment plant doesn't have capacity to provide potable water
Sewerage same.
Parklands will be a rat run
Superstores/shops are south of town, sending extra traffic over existing bridges
Development will put pressure for further development.
Side roads unsuitable for heavy traffic
Would like to know about the 'claw back provision' requiring purchaser to pay 30% of the enhanced land value

Full text:

Why do we need these houses? the people who decide this , do not live here and do not know the necessities or problems
Where are these people going to work? (un?)employment is already high in this area. They can't all find employment in London or Birmingham. the proposed new hight speed train won't stop here for them.
It is criminal to build on A1 agricultural land. We need to grow more food for ourselves and import less. Plenty of empty houses and brown field sites could be used. We all know that it is easier and cheaper to build on just one large site than in little bits
We need the green fields to breathe some decent unpolluted air
We will lose all of the wildlife. Badgers, foxes, herons and numerous birds and wild flowers
Some of the people in the village of Cubbington moved there to be part of a village not to be part of an urban sprawl
The three schools are at full capacity
Campion Hills treatment plant does not have the capacity to provide potable water for thousands of other people
The sewerage is the same, there are already problems in several places in Parklands Avenue. If Parklands Avenue is opened up to the crest it will be a rat run into town avoiding the traffic islands on Cubbington/Lillington Roads
The superstores/shops are south of the town, sending the extra traffic over the existing bridges whcih will cause problems in the future.
If this development gets the go-ahead, it will leave developers free to put pressure on for further development along Offchurch Road.
Side roads to the site are unsuitable for heavy traffic both in width and in structure. House values have plummeted both in the village and along Parklands Avenue.
Finally, flooding, there isn't any more to say about this that has not already been said, except that I live half way down the hill and the water lies at the bottom of my garden for about 9 months of the year, it doesn't drain away.
Also there is a natural spring at the bottom of the gardens further along from me. Also I would like to know about the 'claw back provision' when this land was sold 18 months ago. This requires the purchaser to pay 30% of the enhanced value arising from the sale for development on any part of the farm. This ongoing profiteering will cause houses to be so expensive : who will be able to afford them - leaving many empty properties