
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44506

Received: 23/03/2010

Respondent: Mr Mark Enstone

Representation Summary:

Supports the development of the Glebe Farm site. Young people born in the village, such as my son, cannot find social housing locally and have to move away and pay large rents for private rented housing.
The only objection to the development would be on grounds of flooding. Others are objecting on the grounds of pressure on the Doctors Surgery but no doubt new facilities would be provided to serve the new development.
New housing development would bring more trade and commerce to the area and help keep the post office going. Also good access to this development.

Full text:

Supports the development of the Glebe Farm site. Young people born in the village, such as my son, cannot find social housing locally and have to move away and pay large rents (£650 per month) for private rented housing.
The only objection to the development would be on grounds of flooding. Others are objecting on the grounds of pressure on the Doctors Surgery but no doubt new facilities would be provided to serve the new development.
New housing development would bring more trade and commerce to the area and help keep the post office going. Also plenty of access to this development.