
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44477

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs June Brady

Representation Summary:

Site is A1 agricultural land. Why when are we going to the expense of importing vegetables from all over the world are we proposing to build on agricultural land?
Area designated is prone to flooding. Will get worse.
Impact on road system. Roads are already over-used. Will impose risks for children entering/leaving school
Local schools already full
Water supplies will also be affected
Impact on wild life. What will happen to them?
Housing market already in doldrums. Why flood the market with properties that will remain half built or empty.
Should be looking at old Ford factory

Full text:

Site is A1 agricultural land. Why when are we going to the expense of importing vegetables from all over the world are we proposing to build on agricultural land? Surely we should be concentrating on producing our own food, thus cutting back on the number of food journeys food has to make giving our own farmers a living and ensuring we are eating fresh food
Area designated is prone to flooding. Residents in Cubbington and Parklands Avenue have had their property flood on a yearly basis. This will only get worse. Can Severn Trent cope with this?
Any proposed dwelling will have an impact on the current road system. These roads are already over-used. traffic jams are common during peak travel time. The junctions between Parklands Avenue, Cubbington Road and Telford Avenue are already accident blackspots. This will only increase. Windmill Hill is also subject to heavy traffic at peak hours. Cubbington School is at the top of the hill, this will impose risks for children entering/leaving school
Local schools are already full to capacity - where will children living on the proposed site go to school?
Water supplies will also be affected - can Severn Trent cope?
Then we have the impact on wild life. Several badger setts can be found on the fields. These are a protected species, what will happen to them? Wild birds will also be affected. The RSPB tell us that the bird population of Britain is decreasing, this will only add to the problem
The housing market is already in the doldrums. Why flood the market with properties that will remain half built or empty.
Surely instead of building on agricultural land we should be looking at the site of the old Ford factory. Do we really need another supermarket thus adding to the traffic problems in that area, We already have Sainsbury and Lidl why add another one