
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44473

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Robert Golder

Representation Summary:

Proposed site access could be from Offchurch Road between Hill Farm and public footpath entrance through the cul-de-sacs off Parklands Avenue. Offchurch Road, Rugby Road, Windmill Hill will be affected - not suitable to support increase in traffic
Green belt must be protected to prevent the sprawl
Two distinct communities - Lillington and Cubbington need to be protected
Pressure will arise to extend development to boundary of Welsh Road and green belt around Thwaites factory
Heavy clay causes site to flood
Would cause pressure on local schools and doctors
Proposed development at Glebe Farm would result in the loss of footpaths

Full text:

The proposed site access could be from Offchurch Road between Hill Farm and the public footpath entrance and through the cul-de-sacs off Parklands Avenue. Offchurch Road, Rugby Road, Windmill Hill (and roundabout at top of hill where many accidents occur) will be affected are not suitable to support the increase in traffic (from the significant number of houses proposed) travelling to and from the village at 'rush hour' morning and evening and will cause a great deal of disruption to all Cubbington residents
The green belt between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected to prevent the unrestricted sprawl of the large built up area of Leamington Spa. The two distinct communities of Lillington and Cubbington village need to be protected from encroachment of the countryside otherwise the character of the village will be lost permanently joined to Lillington by the proposed development
If the proposed development is allowed, pressure will inevitably arise to extend the development to the clearly defined boundary of the Welsh Road and into the green belt around the Thwaites factory
The heavy clay soil of this area causes the site to be prone to flooding, building on the proposed site would make the existing village flooding problem worse
Housing development of the proposed site and the potential increase in residential numbers would cause a great deal of pressure on local schools and doctors
The proposed development at Glebe Farm would result in the loss of footpaths used by myself and other members of the Cubbington and Lillington communities on a regular basis