
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44507

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Margaret Pedley

Representation Summary:

Home is subject to flooding, to build another 2000+ homes with all the drainage, surface water and sewerage problems is unthinkable
Object to volume of traffic it would cause on roads which were never designed to take this amount. Junction with Parklands and Cubbington Road is death trap; extra traffic there and at the juntion of Oakridge and Parklands plus the other side roads would result in chaos.
Cubbington would lose village status, Our villages are precious and deserve protecting.
We have so many buildings empty in the town, why not make use of them.
Who are these people offering to sell the land?

Full text:

I object to the development for several reasons:
Home is subject to flooding, to build another 2000+ homes with all the drainage, surface water and sewerage problems these would create is just unthinkable
Object to volume of traffic it would cause on roads which were never designed to take this amount. Junction with Parklands and Cubbington Road is a death trap at the moment, extra traffic there and at the juntion of Oakridge and Parklands plus the other side roads would result in chaos.
Cubbington would lose its village status, Our villages are precious and deserve protecting.
We have so many buildings empty in the town, why not make use of them.
Who are these people who are offering to sell the land?