
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44476

Received: 09/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs J Davies

Representation Summary:

Area is designated green belt
Flooding problem in Cubbington has not yet been solved and would get much worse and would greatly aggravate the situation
Sewerage system would not take more houses unless a major overhaul would be needed
Schools would not be big enough to take a large influx of children
Traffic at the junction of Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road would be horrendous
Would swamp the beautiful village of Cubbington and it would lose its village identity

Full text:

The area is designated green belt
the flooding problem in Cubbington has not yet been solved and would get much worse and would greatly aggravate the situation
The sewerage system would not take more houses unless a major overhail would be needed
The schools would not be big enough to take a large influx of children
The traffic at the junction of Parklands Avenue and Cubbington Road would be horrendous
It would swamp the beautiful village of Cubbington and it would lose its village identity