
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44474

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Nicola Beasley

Representation Summary:

Concerned about the impact on village life
Cross Lane can be hazardous in mornings. Only room for one moving vehicle as vehicles parked on road. Do not want Cross Lane to be used as a throughfare
The road is too narrow and winding for a glut of traffic use.
Village school not geared up to take on more children. People want familiar friendly place to send children to school
Like to see wildlife in farm fields. What will happen to the wildlife? Where will they go? or will they die?
Flooding was quite scary. Building will only make it worse

Full text:

We are concerned about the impact on vilage life that this development would bring.
Living in Cross Lane can be hazardous in the mornings as it is. There is only room for one moving vehicle at a time as everyone has a car (or more) parked on the road outside their property. I do not want Cross Lane to be used as a throughfare as I suspect householders in Price Road feel the same. Have you tried driving up and down Offchurch Road/Windmill Hill? they already speed and are often on the wrong side of the road. I myself have had to pull into Ladycroft before now otherwise I would have been in an accident. The road is too narrow and winding for a glut of traffic use. We moved to the village for a quieter, cleaner way of life, we do not want to see this ending. The village school I'm sure is not geared up to take on lots more children. People (parents) want a familiar friendly place to send children to school where they know one another and not some sprawling inpersonal place where no-one speaks to one another.
We like to look out of our bedroom windows to see the wildlife in the farm fields opposite us. We watch the hares in particular and are fascinated by them. What will happen to the wildlife? Where will they go? or will they die?
Did any of you live through the Easter flood or the next flooding or the flash flooding? It was quite scary for all of us. The water was running down Cross Land and built up against Thwaites building. Once or twice I have had to wait a couple of hours before getting home (with New Street and Offchurch Road flooded). I don't see building a development of housing helping with this problem, only making it worse