
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44480

Received: 05/05/2010

Respondent: Thomas Reading

Representation Summary:

Object to the ingress onto the green belt. Development would join Lillington and Cubbington spoiling character of the area. Live close to the edge of Lillington and bought property for peace and quiet and countryside views
Flooding concerns. Development would cause an increase in flood risk to area
Traffic - increase in traffic would be very dangerous and intrusive to my peace and quiet

Full text:

Object to the ingress onto the green belt. Development would join Lillington and Cubbington spoiling character of the area. Live close to the edge of Lillington and bought property for peace and quiet and countryside views
Flooding concerns. Development would cause an increase in flood risk to area
Traffic - increase in traffic would be very dangerous and intrusive to my peace and quiet