
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44933

Received: 18/03/2010

Respondent: Mr & Mrs C Biggerstaff

Representation Summary:

Glebe farm site is not suitable or desirable for housing development due to the following issues:
1. Drainage/ Flooding
2. Roads are congested now, would be worse with additional housing
3. Local services and infrastructure would not support more houses
4. This development would spoil the local environment and walks (green area)
5. Would probably increase local services costs to cope with extra houses/ families. Council tax increases
6. Increase to local road accidents due to extra traffic
7. Also increase traffic flows around North Leamington due to extra cars
8. Additional police, fire, ambulance services to cope with additional people.

Full text:

Glebe farm site is not suitable or desirable for housing development due to the following issues:
1. Drainage/ Flooding
2. Roads are congested now, would be worse with additional housing
3. Local services and infrastructure would not support more houses
4. This development would spoil the local environment and walks (green area)
5. Would probably increase local services costs to cope with extra houses/ families. Council tax increases
6. Increase to local road accidents due to extra traffic
7. Also increase traffic flows around North Leamington due to extra cars
8. Additional police, fire, ambulance services to cope with additional people.