
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44929

Received: 08/04/2010

Respondent: Mrs Sarra Perkins

Representation Summary:

The traffic at the junction of Parklands and Cubbington Road bad enough already. More houses means lots more traffic which would be awful!

Leamington is big enough already. It does not need Lillington being linked to Cubbington.

Closes off Parklands Avenue were never meant to be access roads for housing estates.

Flooding is bad enough now. It would only get worse with more buildings.

All the surrounding roads would not be able to cope with all the contractors vehicles as well as all the extra vehicles these houses will bring.

It must be stopped!

Full text:

The traffic at the junction of Parklands and Cubbington Road bad enough already. More houses means lots more traffic which would be awful!

Leamington is big enough already. It does not need Lillington being linked to Cubbington. The green space between Lillington and Cubbington must be protected!

Closes off Parklands Avenue were never meant to be access roads for housing estates. They are not built for it.

Flooding is bad enough now. It would only get worse with more buildings.

All the surrounding roads in Cubbington and Lillington would not be able to cope with all the contractors vehicles as well as all the extra vehicles these houses will bring. Usually two cars maybe more to each household!

It must be stopped!