
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44946

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Sheryl Beard

Representation Summary:

1. Cubbington has a village heart, which would be lost if we joined to Leamington. Services would not cope with more people.
2. If this land was covered in concrete, flooding of the village would become worse, as we would lose the Green Area that drains the water.
3. Council refused planning between Radford Semele and Sydenham, so as to keep separate identities. Cubbington and Lillington should be kept the same.
4. Roads in the area are small and dangerous with traffic now.
5. Interference with endangered species
6. This land is green belt which should be protecting village areas.

Full text:

1. CUBBINGTON AND LILLINGTON NEED TO KEEP SEPARATE: Cubbington has a village heart, which would be lost if we joined to Lillington/ Leamington. Schools, doctors etc would not cope with more people.
2. If this land (52 hectares) was covered in concrete, flooding of the village would become worse, as we would lose the Green Area that drains the water. Thousands of pounds were spent 3 years ago putting people back into their homes after the flooding!!
3. Planning department/ council refused planning between Radford Semele and Sydenham, so as to keep separate identities. Cubbington and Lillington should be kept the same.
4. Roads in the area are small and dangerous with traffic now. They could not cope with more traffic. We have no work in this area so traffic would be moving around frequently.
5. Interference with endangered species such as badgers, great crested newts, bird habitats
6. This land is green belt which should be protecting village areas.
7. Whoever submitted this application either knows nothing of the area or has deliberately lied.