
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44939

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Elaine Golder

Representation Summary:

1. Cubbington village has suffered severe flooding on several occasions. A flood alleviation scheme to prevent future flooding has yet to be completed. Development will cause a greater risk of severe flooding in the future.
2. The roads through the village are not suited for the potential increase in numbers of road users. Several accidents have already occurred on the roads. A fatality occurred on the Rugby Road and calls for a pedestrian crossing have been rejected.
3. Local schools are running at capacity.
4. The character of Cubbington village will be lost if it is permanently joined to Lillington.

Full text:

1. Cubbington village has suffered severe flooding on several occasions - notably 2007 when residents were forced out of their homes for many months. A flood alleviation scheme to prevent future flooding has yet to be completed. Removal of the soak away ground (heavy clay and general incline of land) will cause a greater risk of severe flooding in the future.
2. The roads through the village are not suited for the potential increase in numbers of road users. Several accidents have already occurred at the mini-roundabout junction of Windmill Hill/ Rugby Road. A fatality occurred on the Rugby Road and calls for a pedestrian crossing have been rejected.
3. Local schools and particularly the Doctors Surgery are running at capacity. The potential increase in resident numbers would make for major problems within these vital services.
4. The character of Cubbington village will be lost if it is permanently joined to Lillington.