
Alternative Sites Consultation

Representation ID: 44935

Received: 25/03/2010

Respondent: Jane Paginton

Representation Summary:

1. Use of the site would increase risk of flooding in Cubbington.
2. Additional amount of traffic and there is already traffic congestion at peak times. Additional cars would increase risk of accidents.
3. Additional residents would put a strain on local services.
4. Against building on land because of disturbance to the wildlife.
5. There are a number of signed public footpaths and these should not be built on.
6. To build on this site would merge Cubbington and Lillington together thus eliminating the village community.
7. Having been informed of who will benefit from the sale of this land is an insult to local residents.

Full text:

1. Use of the site would increase risk of flooding in Cubbington. Building on the land would cause increased risk of 'run-off' water.
2. Additional amount of traffic from Cubbington to Leamington and other commercial areas. There is already traffic congestion at peak times. Additional cars would increase risk of accidents.
3. Additional residents would put a strain on local schools/ doctors surgeries/ employment.
4. Against building on land because of disturbance to the wildlife: badgers (protected species); newts (protected species) etc...
5. A huge amount of residents have had the privilege of using the fields for walking in the countryside. There are already a number of signed public footpaths and these should not be built on.
6. To build on this site would merge Cubbington and Lillington together thus eliminating the village community. Many residents have lived in this village for many years, some (like myself) returned for village community life. To merge Cubbington to Lillington would take this away. Where would this stop? Would Offchurch and Radford Semele eventually be joined? We are not a city. Cubbington is a village!
7. Having been informed of who will benefit from the sale of this land is an insult to local residents. Why should private schools benefit from this sale? The majority of residents' children attend state schools!